I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1830 : Chapter 925 Fly each other in imminent disaster

Chapter 920 The fifth chapter is about to fly separately

When the seven generals entered the city of Chang'an and fought each other, it seemed that Chang'an was about to be torn apart. www>

What did Liu Feng Xiangxi say?Isn't it just to capture the strong city of Chang'an and pass this majestic pass to capture the land of Yongzhou.

Expand thousands of miles of territory and suppress the heroes of Guanzhong?

Now Pang Tong has obtained the Sanguan Pass and has more than ten cities. As long as Liu Feng obtains the ultimate Chang'an City, everything will be completed. [

The west side is safe.Liu Feng will have the power to go east to deal with Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

"Kill." The seven generals, holding swords and wearing golden armor and embroidered robes, were like seven strong tigers. They were divided into four weeks and started fighting together.

Most of the soldiers of the Wei army fought on their own, and the entire city wall fell into chaos.

"My lord, there is nothing to be done, let's go." Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Sima Yi sighed and said.

"Alas." Zhong Yao also sighed when he heard the words, and then the two walked down the wall under the protection of their cronies.When the soldiers of the Wei army found Zhong Yao and Sima Yi had already left, the confusion suddenly became even more.

Countless people chose to surrender, and the Han army drove straight into Chang'an.

On the other hand, after Sima Yi and Zhong Yao entered Chang'an, they immediately went back to their respective residences.

Because Sima Yi had already foreseen everything, he made full preparations last night, making the fourth Sima Kui ready and ready to retreat at any time.

Therefore, when Sima Yi returned to the mansion, what he saw were a large number of carriages and a nervous Sima Kui.

"Second Brother, how's the situation?" Seeing Sima Yi coming back, Sima Kui immediately greeted him and asked.

"The army is defeated. I want to cross the Yellow River to join Ma Teng. Let's go." Sima Yi didn't talk nonsense, but said directly.

"Ah." Sima Kui sighed when he heard the words, but didn't say much.

Immediately, the two brothers commanded the slaves, drove the carriage, and headed north.

On the other side, Zhong Yao returned to Sili Xiaowei's Mansion. Like Sima Yi, Zhong Yao also made arrangements earlier, and made his eldest son Zhong Yu make preparations.

I saw that there were carriages everywhere in the mansion, and many house servants and maidservants were very nervous.

At the front is a young man, this young man is imposing, somewhat similar to Zhong Yao, he is Zhong Yu, the eldest son of Zhong Yao.Zhong Yu is intelligent and very talented. He is a well-known young hero in Yongzhou.

"How is father?" Seeing Zhong Yao's return, Zhong Yu immediately went up to meet him.

"The army is defeated, and Chang'an City will be surnamed Han from now on." Zhong Yao said after hearing the words.

"Then what should we do? Are we really going to join Ma Teng?" Zhong Yu frowned and said. [

"If I go to Duke Cao, I won't even frown, but I will go to Ma Teng." Zhong You heard hesitation on his face. Last night, Sima Yi showed his intention to continue to leave Xizhou and go to Ma Teng. Han Sui Waiting for someone, Zhong Yao hesitated.

Neither Ma Teng nor Han Sui are heroes. In the past, when their army was fierce, Liu Fengshang was able to defeat each of them. Now that the Han army is fierce, Ma Teng and Han Sui retreated to their respective territories to protect themselves.

As for whether these two people can keep the land, Zhong Yao put a question mark in his heart.Because of this he hesitated, and now that the city is broken before the battle, Zhong Yao can foresee that the Han Dynasty is at its peak in Guanzhong.

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