I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1833 : Chapter 926 Happy Zhong You

"Thank you General. www>

"Lead the way, go to meet your father with Gu." Liu Feng said.

"No." Zhong Yu promised.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng ordered the six generals to guard the city wall and surrender the soldiers, and only Dong Gai, Jia Xu, and Liu Ye arrived at Sili Xiaowei's Mansion with Zhong Yu.

"Father, the general is here." After arriving outside the gate of the mansion, Zhong Yu stepped forward quickly and saluted inside the gate. [

"Squeak." Immediately, the door opened, and Zhong Yao came out from inside.

"Criminal Minister Zhong Yao, pay your respects to the General." After arriving outside the door, Zhong Yao took a deep breath, performed a firm courtesy to Liu Feng, and called himself a criminal minister.

Liu Feng smiled when he heard the words, stepped forward to help Zhong Yao up, and said kindly: "Master Zhong supervised the Hanzhong, so that the heroes in Guanzhong did not dare to make a step forward. There is no need to claim to be a criminal minister because of meritorious deeds."

Zhong Yao was relieved and ashamed at the same time.Listening to Liu Feng's tone, Zhong Yao knew that he had succeeded. Liu Feng Bingbu was the kind of narrow-minded person Sima Yi said that he would repay every grievance.

What's ashamed is that he can't be washed away by leading troops to resist Wang Shi, but he got such comments from Liu Feng, how can he not be ashamed?

"Most of the heroes in Guanzhong are courageous, and the guilty ministers dare not claim credit." Zhong Yao took a deep breath and thanked him deeply.

"Master Zhong is self-effacing." Liu Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then asked: "To be honest, the Guguanzhong Plain has thousands of miles of fertile soil and can produce countless grains. Guzi is very coveted, but apart from the Guanzhong Plain, Guzi also I am salivating for something that goes far beyond the Guanzhong Plain, sir, do you know what it is?"

"I don't know." With Zhong Yao's intelligence, he couldn't guess what Liu Feng was talking about, so he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Sir." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

Immediately, everyone present felt amazed.Liu Feng first gave an example of the benefits of Guanzhong Plain, but at the critical moment, he said that it is more happy to get something than Guanzhong, which gave everyone a suspense, and finally revealed that this person is Zhong Yao.

How is this not amazing.

Everyone felt the experience, and it was probably Zhong Yao who felt the most deeply.

As Liu Feng himself said, the fertile soil in the Guanzhong Plain is thousands of miles away and can produce abundant grain.At that time, Qin State relied on the Guanzhong Plain to dominate the world.

Now that the Han Dynasty wants to fight the world, the fertile land in the Guanzhong Plain is naturally what the Han Dynasty urgently needs.And he was just leading an army to resist the king's teacher, and now he just wants to survive.Zhong Yao is very clear about all this.But Liu Feng still said these words, how can Zhong Yao not be grateful?

"General Lao loves you so much." Zhong Yao took a deep breath, suppressed the gratitude in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

"It's not because of great love. Gu really thinks that the master's talent is enough to reach Guanzhong. Gu also plans to go to the emperor to ask him to be the governor of Yongzhou and arrange all the farming and mulberry in Guanzhong." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

Suddenly, Zhong Yao's heart was more than just grateful.

What Liu Feng said just now was amazing.But it is uncertain whether it is true or false.But with these words, asking him to be the governor of Yongzhou can dispel this uncertainty.

This is really so important to him.Even Cao Cao never talked to Liu Feng or fought for him like this. [

What more do you want for a mediocre person?

"Since it is the general's great love, the guilty minister is willing to serve as the governor of Yongzhou and develop Nongsang>

"Okay, sir. The strength of the Han Dynasty can be increased tenfold." Liu Feng said overjoyed upon hearing the words.

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