I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1840 : Chapter 930 Chapter Army Luoyang

Chapter 930 Returning to Luoyang

Liu Feng is very familiar with Pang Tong. /first/post www>

In the past few years, Pang Tong has been unknown.Now it has become another astonishing example of a blockbuster and a blockbuster.He led his troops to defeat Liu Zhang, the king of Shu, and broke through Mei County to the north. Gu County, the soldiers took over the candidates without bloodshed, laying the foundation for the defeat of the Guanzhong heroes.

In this battle of Chang'an, it was very meritorious.

Liu Feng was relatively unfamiliar with the candidates. On that day, Liu Feng scolded the heroes of Guanzhong and did not meet any candidates.Liu Feng only guessed that this was the candidate when he saw that the candidate and Pang Tong got off the horse together. [

"This is not a place to talk, come alone." Liu Feng looked at Pang Tong, and said after he was nominated.

"No." Pang Tong, the candidate, promised.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng entered Chang'an together with all the generals and merged into the hall of Yongzhou Governor's Mansion.

After entering the hall, Liu Feng knelt and sat in the upper seat, while the rest of the people sat on both sides.

"Shi Yuan, how many soldiers did you bring this time?" Liu Feng asked impatiently as soon as he sat down.The conquest of Chang'an caused a lot of losses.Most of the surrendered troops from the Wei army were also given to Zhang Heng and Wei Yan.

The soldiers and horses of the rest of the generals failed to get a good supplement, and Liu Feng was rather urgent about this matter.

"Reporting to the general, the last general brought back 6000 people this time." Pang Tong knew everything about the army well, and replied quickly after hearing the words.

"Okay." Liu Feng said with joy on his face when he heard this.There are three or 4000 more people, which is enough to supplement.

"Pang Tong stepped forward to listen to the order." Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng took a deep breath and ordered.

"The last general is here." Pang Tong straightened his face when he heard the words, and went forward to salute.

"Gujiu ordered you to be General Zhenxi, to supervise the seven generals in Guanzhong, Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi, Huo Jun, Wei Yan, Wang Ping, Ma Zhong, Hou Xuan, a total of eight armies, guarding Chang'an, to guard against Ma Teng, Han Sui and others .The official document will be issued after I go back to discuss with my father."

Liu Feng ordered.

"No." Pang Tong also took a deep breath before agreeing in a deep voice.

The burden is really heavy. Although they occupy the Yellow River, Sanguan and other places, the Eighth Army is only 8000 people.On the contrary, Ma Teng and Han Sui still have more than [-] soldiers and horses.

However, Pang Tong was not a person who retreated from the battle, and did not shirk.

"Okay, Guanzhong will be handed over to the generals." Liu Feng said after glancing at the generals present.

"Promise." There were only six of the eight generals guarding the pass, including Pang Tong, and they all agreed.

"Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Dong Gai, the three of you will return to Luoyang with Gu tomorrow, and Gu can't wait to meet Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's coalition forces." Seeing that the generals agreed, Liu Feng felt relieved, and then his expression changed slightly , proudly said.

"Promise." Dong Gai, Liu Ye, and Jia Xu agreed in unison. [

Dong Gai's face showed a look of excitement, this is the benefit of being a general of the king's personal army, wherever the king's general goes to fight, he can follow him, and he is not afraid of not being rewarded with military exploits.

Soon, everyone left.In the hall, only Liu Feng was left.He raised his head and let out a breath. He took Pang Tong as the general of Zhenxi, and supervised the Eighth Army to guard Guanzhong.

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