I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1842 : Chapter 931 Shocking News

Chapter 930 Shocking News

In the midst of the silence, a team appeared at the forefront. www>

The soldiers of this team were only wearing leather armor, and they didn't even carry Mo Dao in their hands. They seemed to be very ordinary soldiers.But everyone recognized at a glance that this was the king's general's personal soldier.

This can be seen completely from their expressionless expressions, their unusually strong bodies, and their terrifying aura.

At the front, there are two flag bearers, one on the left and the other on the right, walking with a huge "Han" character handsome flag, and several riders ride on horseback under the handsome flag. [

Among them was a man with sharp eyebrows and star eyes, a strong figure, wearing armor, very dignified, everyone recognized him, this one was the crown prince and general Liu Feng who had refused to be a prince of the West for two months.

"Start up rituals and music." Among the three lords, Situ Fuwan was the most honorable, and he was also the leader present. After seeing Liu Feng, he immediately ordered.


"Dong dong dong."

The passionate ceremony and music sounded to welcome the triumphant king and general.

At the same time, Liu Feng, who was at the front, also stopped. He first turned around and ordered the army to set up camp outside, while himself, Dong Gai, Liu Ye, and Jia Xuce went forward immediately.

"General." When Liu Feng got off his horse, Fu Wan led all the officials to salute.

"My lords, please stand up." Seeing that he didn't ask for help, Liu Feng took a step forward to help his grandfather to lie down, and then said.

"General, Your Majesty is already waiting in the palace, please move to the palace first." Fu Wan said with a smile.

"En." Liu Feng couldn't wait immediately when he heard this. Although he had only been away for two months, he still missed his father, queen mother, Zhen family, and Mi family.

Immediately, Liu Feng, surrounded by Fu Wan and others, came to the palace.

Inside the Deyang Hall, it is simple and elegant.Liu Xiezheng is kneeling on the throne, wearing the emperor's clothes such as crowns and mianfu, which are only worn on formal occasions.

He was waiting for Liu Feng's return. Like Liu Feng, he was also very concerned about the departure of the king's general, so he raised his head to look forward from time to time.

"Da da da." Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps.

Liu Xie was overjoyed and immediately looked up.Not long after, Liu Feng walked in first, armored and majestic.Afterwards, it was civil and military officials, which Liu Xie automatically ignored.

"Emperor." Liu Xie stretched out his hand to beckon, and said with a smile.

"Royal Father." Liu Feng bowed first, then knelt down beside Liu Xie.

"Your Majesty." All the civil servants and generals saluted one after another.

"Excuse me." Liu Xie turned his eyes away from Liu Feng and raised his hand. [

"Thank you, Your Majesty." All the civil servants thanked in unison, and then sat down in the hall according to their positions.

"My son, it's only been two months since you went to war, but you have already quelled the rebellion of Liu Zhang, Zhong Yao and others. When the news came back, my father and all the lovers couldn't believe it. Tell your father, How did you do it?" After dismissing the officials, Liu Xie smiled and asked Liu Fengdao.

In fact, Liu Feng had already mentioned the process in his statement, but Liu Xie wanted to hear it himself.

"Father, are you planning to let the minister boast?" Liu Feng said with a chuckle upon hearing this.

"It's a boast to be an emperor." Liu Xie was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled.

"Okay." Liu Feng nodded, and then gave a general overview of the battle in Guanzhong.

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