I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1844 : Chapter 932 Rest Day

Chapter 930 Two Ten Days of Restoration

Although Liu Feng said that he didn't hate him, but the appearance of murderous intent, wanting to choose someone and devour him, made Liu Xie even more worried.Remember in a second【Bai Xiaosheng Novels】www>

Not to mention the loss of soldiers, there is also the danger of death.

"Huh." Liu Xie took a deep breath, then let it out, and said in a deep voice: "For generals, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, just wait for ten days, recharge your spirits, and fight the enemy again."

Facing Liu Xie's gaze, Liu Feng's heart was also shocked, and he immediately realized that he was anxious.No matter what, with Dong Cheng guarding the city, if Xu Shu can hang his life, he will definitely not die for a while. [

He rushed forward lightly, fearing that he would be in danger of falling.

After figuring it out, Liu Feng took a deep breath, thanked him and said, "Thank you for your teaching, Father, I am willing to support you for ten days."

"Okay." Liu Xie had a look of relief on his face when he heard that, his eldest son was not only brave and courageous, but he also listened to people's words, and he was really a wise man.

"Dong Gai, Liu Ye, Jia Xu step forward." After saying a word, Liu Xie turned his head and called out to Dong Gai, Liu Ye, Jia Xu and others sitting in the hall.

"His Majesty."

The three of them got up together and came to the middle of the hall, and saluted Liu Xie who was sitting on the throne.

"The general should first recharge his energy and store up his energy. The army will set off in ten days. You will be responsible for replenishing soldiers in the army, sharpening soldiers, and so on." Liu Xie ordered.

"Promise." The three of them agreed after hearing the words, and retreated.

"Ministers of civil and military affairs, the king's general's personal soldiers, once they are useful, they have enough soldiers and food, so don't slack off." Immediately afterwards, Liu Xie looked around at the Dan Sangong Jiuqing, the civil and military officials in the Deyang Hall, and said in an authoritative voice .

"No." The ministers agreed.

Soon after, Liu Xie ordered the officials to go down.It was night, the Emperor ordered a banquet in the Deyang Hall to celebrate the king's general's marching westward, expanding the land for thousands of miles, and invincible.

On this day, early in the morning, the belly of the fish turned white, and the dawn broke.

A slanting sun shone, covering the whole Luoyang with a layer of golden light, shining brightly.Inside and outside the palace, many guards were wearing armor and holding spears, patrolling or stationing, and they were very strict.

East Palace, in a school grounds.

A young man is dancing a sword. The young man is wearing light clothes, his expression is calm, neither sad nor happy. The long sword in his hand is like a dragon, flying endlessly.

The sword is upright and peaceful, which is the real swordsmanship for self-cultivation.This boy is Liu Feng.

"Huh." Not long after, Liu Feng retracted his sword and let out a long breath.

"General." Standing beside Liu Feng was a young woman in her early twenties, fair complexion, radiant and graceful, as if made of water.Seeing Liu Feng standing with his sword closed, the young woman came to Liu Feng's side holding a sweat towel and said softly.

This young woman is exactly one of the two women in Liu Feng's palace, Mi Shi. [

"En." Liu Feng reached out to take it, and wiped the sweat off his face.

Mi Shi is not only beautiful, but also exudes a faint body fragrance. The sweat towel was taken from Mi Shi's hand, and it seems to contain her fragrance, which makes people feel impulsive.

However, Liu Feng thought about going out tomorrow, so he managed to get enough energy so that he could not become a wild horse at a critical moment.So he took a deep breath, calmed down, and returned the sweat towel to Mrs. Mi.

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