I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1847 : Chapter 933 Swinging troops into a tiger prison

Hulao Pass, the first pass in Guandong.Recommended [Bai Xiaosheng Novel Network]:
Back then Dong Zhuo was stationed here to resist the heroes of Guanzhong, but now Zhao Yun is here to fight with Yuan Shao's [-] soldiers.

Zhao Yun, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, followed Liu Feng in the conquest, tired of officials until he was a general of the gangsters, and was granted the title of Tinghou.There are six thousand soldiers under the account.It seems that there is a huge difference between Yuan Shao's [-] soldiers.

However, when the two armies confront each other, it depends on the strength of the troops, the famous generals, and the location.

Because Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the world, and Zhao Yun is guarding it, and although Yuan Jun has [-] elite soldiers, he cannot attack for a long time. [

While Liu Feng was leading his troops towards Hulao Pass, the sound of fighting outside Hulao Pass was also boiling.

"Dong dong dong."


Amidst the thundering sound of drums and the roar of soldiers, under the supervision of the general, countless soldiers of Yuan Jun, carrying ladders on their shoulders, holding crossbows and crossbows, attacked Hulao Pass again and again with their short blades. .

On the city, Zhao Yun shot arrows and directed the defense with his horizontal sword.

On the battlefield, arrows were flying, boulders were flying, oil was pouring like rain, blood, stumps and limbs were flying across the battlefield. The sounds of fighting and screams were repeated, forming a bloody battle on the battlefield.

Yuan Jun had many soldiers and was besieging the city day after day. Zhao Yun's defense was actually quite miserable.From time to time, Yuan Jun's soldiers broke into the Hulao Gate, and Zhao Yun himself had to use his sword to kill people from time to time.

Therefore, the blood-stained armor and the green embroidered robe almost turned blood red.Not only Zhao Yun, but the rest of the soldiers were also covered in blood, as if soaked in blood.

They followed Zhao Yun hoarsely, roaring and fighting, Zhao Yun won the hearts of the people, and no one slacked off at this time.

An hour later, the closing momentum of Hulao was still majestic, but it was already crumbling.This situation was also seen by Yuan Jun's leading general, and he was very happy.

About one mile outside the pass is Yuan Jun's camp, which stretches for more than ten miles and is very majestic.At this moment, there is a handsome flag embroidered with the word "Yuan" in front of the gate of the camp, and a high platform is stationed under it.

There were four or five people standing on the high platform, one of them was slender, handsome and dignified. It was Guo Tu, an important adviser under Yuan Shao's tent, and Guo Tu was also the commander of Yuan's army division this time.

The other three or four people were all generals in armor and with swords hanging from their waists. They were all fierce and fierce. Seeing the development of the situation, everyone's faces showed joy.

"Hahaha, Zhao Yun is worthy of being a famous general of the Han Dynasty. He was able to stay under my [-] army for so many days, but even a famous general will fall one day. Now Zhao Yun is at the end of his road. Just wait for the army to break through the tiger prison, Luoyang is in sight, and Emperor Han In hand."

One of the generals laughed.

Guo Tu looked up and saw that the person who spoke had a strong body, like an iron tower, but it was Lu Kuang, General Yuan Jun.

"General Lu is right, breaking through Luoyang will accomplish great things." Before Guo Tu could speak, another person shouted.

This person was slightly weaker than Lu Kuang, but his wolf eyes looked around fiercely. This person was Lu Xiang.

Ever since Yan Liang and Wen Chou died in battle, Yuan Shao made up his mind to promote a group of heroes in the army. This Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang are the most important generals of Yuan Shao. [

Both of them are majestic and fierce, Lu Kuang is good at leading troops, and Lu Xiang is good at fighting and charging. They are called Erlu together, and they are the generals of Yuan Jun.This time, Yuan Jun divided [-] troops to attack Hulao Pass, with Guo Tu as the backbone, Lu Kuang, and Lu Xiang as the branches, intending to break through Hulao, break into Sili, and capture Liu Xie, the emperor of Han.

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