I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1849 : Chapter 934 Too Arrogant

Zhao Yun is not that kind of arrogant person, but at critical moments, he doesn't mind being arrogant once to boost morale. www>

Zhao Yun, a famous general in the Han Dynasty, is not bragging, he is as fierce as a tiger.Immediately, another resentment rose in their hearts. If it weren't for the lack of troops, how could they be trapped in a tiger prison?

The emperors of the Han Dynasty, the crown princes, and the kings and generals are all benevolent monarchs, with elite troops and simple generals, first enrich the country, and then build a team on a certain basis.

However, Yuan Shao, under the rule of Cao Cao, had a poor population, but he chose hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, and he was aggressive.I am also a traitor, but the result is that the evil is overpowering the good. It is really unfair in the world.

"Boom boom boom." [


At this moment, the sound of Yuan Jun's beating drums was even more earth-shattering. At this moment, there was a strong roar and killing sound, but it was Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang who roared and killed each other, pointing their guns and attacking the gate.


The soldiers roared in unison, carrying ladders on their shoulders, or holding short knives, bows and crossbows, and launched a fierce attack towards Hulao Pass.

"The general's reinforcements are coming, cheer up." Zhao Yun took a deep breath and shouted sharply holding his sword.

"Kill." Chen Biao and the soldiers at the critical moment roared in unison, and began to stand ready.

Immediately, the two sides fell into a madman's fight again. The battle of knocking off the pass was very tragic, with arrows flying, blood flying, and soldiers like grass.

The sound of misery, the sound of arrows piercing through the air, and the sound of fighting made this battlefield fall into madness.

But the overall situation is still unfavorable to Zhao Yun, very unfavorable.Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang are new soldiers, well organized, and they have all been recharged.

However, the soldiers of the Han army who were closed in Hulao had been fighting for a long time, and there were almost no intact soldiers.

When the two sides fought, Hulaoguan was like a catkin in the big river, floating and sinking without knowing when.

"Hahaha, the Han Dynasty is gone, Zhao Yun, you can surrender." Lu Kuang laughed when he saw this straddling his horse, and urged Zhao Yun to surrender.

"Zhao Yun, if you surrender, Lu Kuang and I can designate you as a general, return to Yuan Gong, and rank among the heroes." Seeing this, Lu Xiang also stretched his arms and shouted, urging Zhao Yun to surrender.

Although the two yelled loudly, they were mostly humiliating.Zhao Yun sat in Hulao Pass for several months, with [-] elite soldiers against Yuan's [-] strong soldiers.

When Guo Tu reached Hulao Pass, he also sent people to surrender, but Zhao Yun refused.Every few days, Guo Tu would send someone to surrender, but Zhao Yun also refused.

This made everyone in Yuan Jun know that Zhao Yun was a foolish and loyal man, and it was really difficult to recruit him to surrender.Now in the eyes of Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, Hulao Pass is about to be breached.

So he deliberately shouted such words to humiliate Zhao Yun, and at the same time improve the morale of his own army.

"Hahaha, surrender." A soldier in front of him was shooting an arrow towards Hulao Pass. Hearing his general's words, he laughed and asked Zhao Yun to surrender.




Immediately afterwards, countless soldiers also responded, shouting for Zhao Yun to surrender. Their voices were almost like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and their voices completely covered the roaring and killing.

This greatly boosted Yuan Jun's morale. Behind him, on the stage, Guo Tu stroked his beard and smiled, showing a lot of pride.The tiger prison is broken, and Zhao Yun can be killed.

At that time, his head will be taken, circulated to the three armies, and then sent to Yuan Gong for merit.

With the help of Zhao Yun's reputation, Megatron the world.

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