I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1852 : Chapter 936 Who dares to kill the lonely general

Chapter 930


With the sound of thundering drums, Yuan Jun's morale was boosted again, and the soldiers roared in unison, each raised their short blades, and rushed towards Hulao Pass.

Seen from the Hulao Gate, Yuan Jun's soldiers rushing up seemed like ants, many of them were afraid of people, but would Zhao Yun be afraid?

Zhao Yun smiled coldly, and glanced at the long sword. The long sword was covered with blood and was also covered with gaps. These are all great military exploits.He can kill, he can kill. [

Kill until you can't move.

"Kill." Zhao Yun uttered a roar like a wolf howling, and commanded the soldiers to continue to guard Hulao Pass.

Because of Zhao Yun's encouragement, the morale of the Hulao was greatly boosted, and there were some fire soldiers, grooms, miscellaneous soldiers, etc. to join in. Some remaining archers opened their bows and arrows, regardless of the pain in their arms, they kept opening their bows and arrows , one arrow after another leaning towards the gate.

Zhao Yun, as well as the soldiers under his tent, burned up, as if they wanted to burn the last light of their lives, so as to illuminate the Han Dynasty.

They are desperate, they are bleeding, they don't retreat half a step, even if they are missing an arm and retreat, they can still use the remaining one arm and one leg to sweep Yuan Jun's soldiers.

One after another Yuan Jun's soldiers climbed up the pass, but were stubbornly blocked.

Yuan Jun's offensive was under the strongest suppression, which made Yuan Jun's soldiers a little frustrated, and the offensive was also weak.However, Zhao Yun's external strength and middling ability cannot be hidden from the eyes of Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang.

"It's just a dying struggle, and the trapped beast is still fighting. Don't be afraid, kill it, the Hulao is ours." Lu Kuang yelled, and pointed his spear directly at the Hulao with unparalleled momentum.

"It's just a flashback. Zhao Yun is about to die. It's time to divide his body. Kill him, charge." Lu Xiang snorted coldly, and also shouted sharply.


The two generals personally encouraged the morale, and Yuan Jun's soldiers barely cheered up their spirits, and launched a new offensive towards Hulao Pass, very violently.

When the Yuan and Han armies were fighting outside Hulao Pass, the west of Hulao Pass was one li away.

Hulao Pass is the most important thing. There is no farmland nearby, only an empty and barren place, and a road several feet wide.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away, causing the ground to tremble.Soon after, a large army appeared in the west.

The soldiers of this large army were all wearing armor, holding a strangely shaped weapon, arrows on their backs, and crossbow bolts pinned to their waists.

Because of the weight, every time they took a foot, it was like a horseshoe. The sound of the footsteps of 6000 people was almost the same as the sound of thousands of horses and horses.

This large army is exactly Liu Feng's king's general's personal soldiers.

At that time, the basic requirements for selecting the soldiers of the king's generals were to wear armor, hold a mo knife, carry a bow and arrow, dry food, and walk hundreds of miles. [

Now from Luoyang to Hulao Pass, Liu Feng used this condition to mobilize his soldiers to march quickly, and finally arrived at Hulao Pass from Luoyang within half a day.

At the very front, Liu Feng rode his horse under the banner of a "Han" commander. Hearing the faint sound of fighting, Liu Feng knew that the Hulao Pass was approaching, and his heart was agitated.

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