I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1854 : Chapter 937 Irresistible

Chapter 930 Irresistible

"Who dares to kill the lonely general."

There was a loud cry, as if the situation had changed.

"Da da da."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horseshoes and footsteps resounded, and countless soldiers, armed with knives or spears, appeared near the east gate of Hulao Pass. [

In the first place, a person straddled a war horse, dressed in armor, majestic and majestic.When Zhao Yun heard this voice, he immediately raised his head and looked forward. Zhao Yun couldn't be more familiar with who the first person was.

Although it has been several years away, the voice and appearance are still in my mind.This is the crown prince, the king's general.Zhao Yun was the first to feel that his life was saved, let alone anything else.

Instead, he almost wept with joy, Hulao Pass was finally saved.With [-] soldiers guarding to death, they finally managed to keep the number one pass in the world.

Naturally, Zhao Yun also gave up the decision to die with the enemy and kill a few more people.He stopped his rushing steps, held his sword in front, and shouted: "Reinforcements, the general's reinforcements have arrived, hold on for a while longer."


The dozens of soldiers beside Zhao Yun suddenly understood. They all took a step back and leaned close to each other, staring at Yuan Jun's soldiers around.

That expression is no longer a bewildered beast, no longer the heroism before death, but a burst of hope for life, a passion for life.

Under Zhao Yun's call, the soldiers guarded the tiger prison and fought to the death, out of loyalty, benevolence, and respect and love for Zhao Yun, all of which could make them risk their lives.

But even if there is hope of life, who wants to die.

Not only Zhao Yun and the soldiers under the tent saw the arrival of Liu Feng's reinforcements, but also Yuan Jun's soldiers.They immediately knew that at this time, it would be better to open the city gate first and welcome the [-] troops into the city.


Therefore, under the command of some officers, Yuan Jun's soldiers were divided into two parts, one part was holding a short blade, and rushed towards Zhao Yun and other dozens of people.

Most of the soldiers walked down the pass and rushed towards Liu Feng who rushed forward, as well as the personal soldiers of General Wang Shang.

"Bang bang bang."

"Kill, kill, kill."

On the one hand, there are soldiers of the Yuan Army who are anxious to get rid of Zhao Yun and others so as to clear Hulao Pass;

When the two sides met, sparks immediately popped up.The sound of weapons colliding, roaring, and screaming can be heard endlessly. Under these sounds, blood is splashed and heads are thrown away.

In the end, it was Zhao Yun and others who had the upper hand. They formed a circular formation, back to each other, to resist the attack of Yuan Jun soldiers from all directions, like a rock, no matter you are thousands of troops, I will always stand still.

On this side, Yuan Jun's soldiers relied on numbers to attack Zhao Yun and dozens of others.And the other side is sorry for them.Instead, it was the king's general's personal soldiers who had the upper hand in numbers. [

Just as Liu Ye reported before departure, this army of the king's general is actually incomplete, and many newly added soldiers can only use spears, not Modao.

But after all, they are also elite soldiers selected from a large number of surrendered soldiers, and their bravery remains undiminished.

The current battle for Hulao Pass must not be allowed to be opened by Yuan Jun's soldiers. Otherwise, Yuan Jun's nearly [-] troops would pour into the pass.

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