I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1856 : Chapter 938 Flood Dragon Navigating the Sea

Chapter 930


The Hulao was closed up and down, and the sound of roaring and killing soared to the sky.

Countless soldiers of the king's general in armor and holding knives swept up like a gust of wind. Amidst the blood and corpses, they pushed forward step by step, and walked a third of the long and high stone steps in an instant. two.

Yuan Jun was defeated and retreated, or was killed, or degenerated, and countless people died.The hearts of Yuan Jun's soldiers were almost shrouded in shadow and fear. [

Under the shroud of this shadow, on the other side, Yuan Jun's soldiers who were surrounding Zhao Yun and others to fight were also commotions. Many soldiers' eyes were twinkling, and they planned to climb down the ladder and exit Hulao Pass.

But on the one hand, he was afraid of the general's military law, so he hesitated all of a sudden.

It didn't take long from the time Liu Feng led his troops to kill until Yuan Jun retreated steadily.Seeing his own soldiers climbing up Hulao Pass and closing Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang was still immersed in the joy that Hulao Pass was breached and Zhao Yun was about to be killed.

If the tiger prison is broken, this is a great achievement.Hulao Pass, Sili, Luoyang.

Especially in Luoyang, there are countless dignitaries and dignitaries in Luoyang, and their assets must be huge.There are countless rare treasures in the palace.Thinking about the prosperity of Luoyang, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang suddenly became extremely hot.

But then, they also realized something was wrong.

"Kill." Suddenly, the roar of the Hulao closing became louder, and not long after, the voices of both sides fighting suddenly became louder.

It seemed that the enemy army had reinforcements to kill them.

"What's going on?" Lu Kuang's expression changed and he shouted.

"Some reinforcements must have arrived. Open and close the door. Why don't you open and close the door? It's a piece of trash." Lu Xiang was extremely irritable and shouted sharply.

"Attack, attack, pile up the army, even if the enemy army is coming. We can still beat them out of the prison with the advantage of our strength."

"Shoot in and turn the world upside down. Regardless of whether there are reinforcements or not, they will be turned into a ball of meat sauce and fed to the dogs. If you meet Liu Feng, it will be even more enjoyable, and you will directly take his head and make it into a wine cup, dedicated to Yuan Gong .”

By coincidence, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang shouted and ordered the attack.


Yuan Jun's attack was at a standstill. After all, many of their soldiers were on the wall. As long as they opened the gate, they could enter the city. Why bother?

With Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang's orders, Yuan Jun's offensive started again. The soldiers roared and killed, and the tide rushed towards Hulao Pass again.

Behind Yuan Jun, countless soldiers lined up in a square formation, but the place in front of Hulao Pass was very narrow, it was difficult for them to rush forward, and they could only wait anxiously.

Further back, on a high platform, Guo Tu stood alone, looking in the direction of Hulao.Although the distance here is already far away, the sound of roaring and killing from the closing of Hulao can still be clearly heard.

This made Guo Tu look worried, he was not Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and other newly promoted generals, he had experienced fighting with Liu Feng, and he knew the strength of Liu Feng's elite soldiers. [

"Seeing that the tiger prison is about to be broken, the Yuan family is like a fierce tiger coming out of prison. It is the first to advance into Luoyang and occupy Sili. Don't make any accidents at critical moments. In the end, you will fail."

Guo Tu did not assist Yuan Shao in success, he had personality factors, and he liked to be jealous of virtuous virtues in his early years, but no one denied that Guo Tu was a top-notch wise man in the world. .

But at this moment, Guo Tu is like a pure literati who doesn't understand war, extremely anxious, clasping his hands together, staring nervously ahead, because it is too big, too big.

The relationship is too great to be taken lightly.

Following Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang issued the order to continue the attack, countless Yuan Jun climbed up the pass from the ladder again, because the pass was basically occupied by Yuan Jun, so this time Yuan Jun's soldiers climbed very smoothly. Countless soldiers climbed up the pass.

But when they climbed the pass, they found that the situation was not good.Following this, Dong Gai led General Wang's personal soldiers to continuously attack the Hulao Pass, so Yuan Jun's soldiers actually retreated step by step.

The pass is not big, and Yuan Jun's soldiers are retreating step by step, which makes it very crowded.Coupled with the influx of a large number of Yuan Jun soldiers, it became even more crowded.

At this moment, the soldiers were crowded with each other, and not many people paid attention to Zhao Yun and others.Zhao Yun and the others were close to each other, and they didn't make excessive movements. They just beheaded the soldiers of Yuan Jun who were approaching.

"Kill." Finally, there was a terrifying roar of killing, but it was Dong Cheng who had already led his army to charge up from the stone steps on the left. He was covered in blood. It was extremely ferocious, and the long knife in his hand was cut into several gaps, which might be damaged at any time.

At this moment, he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, making him look like a god of war.


As Dong Gai stepped into the pass alone, he raised his head to the sky and roared, and then countless soldiers of the king's general also rushed up. They all roared and rushed over first.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

The soldiers on the pass were piled up because of the counterattack of the king's general's personal soldiers, and Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang ordered to continue the attack. It was difficult to accommodate so many people at the narrow pass.

It was already very difficult to crowd each other, and coupled with the counterattack of the king's general's personal soldiers, there was a sudden chaos.Countless soldiers of the Yuan army couldn't even deploy their knives, and were instantly killed by the king's personal soldiers with Mo knives.

There was the sound of swords piercing flesh, the sound of blood splattering, and the screams continued.

Frightened, the soldiers became extremely frightened.They crowded each other, intending to escape.But helplessly, there are still countless Yuan Jun soldiers who don't know the truth rushing up to support them, but as a result, there are fewer and fewer places to stand for them.

"Kill." On the contrary, the king's general's personal soldiers didn't have so many scruples. As long as they dared not to retreat, they would kill, kill, kill until the situation changed.

After a while, the soldiers of General Wang on the right stone steps also rushed up.

From the two stone steps up to the king's general, it is like two dragons rolling in the sea, the huge body, the incomparable majesty, disturbing one side.

"Ah, ah, ah." [

Finally, countless soldiers of Yuan Jun who were crowded together crashed into the shore like waves rolling in the sea. In despair, they screamed and fell from the prison gate.

"Bang bang bang."

Yuan Jun's soldiers were driven away by the general Wang Shang in groups, and fell from the prison gate. Amid the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, they turned into piles of lifeless flesh and blood.

This situation shocked many people.

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