I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1860 : Chapter 940 Liannu Yang Wei

"Promise." The left and right promised, and Xu Mang got off the high platform, ready to send the order, but in the end it was a little late.

After Yuan Jun's soldiers launched the offensive, they immediately rushed to Hulao.

On the pass, Dong Gai stood facing the wind, with a sneer all over his face, looking at the soldiers of Yuan Jun who rushed forward, he only said one sentence, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.


Dong Gai waved his hand and ordered. [

"Da da da."

Immediately, the king's general's soldiers pulled the trigger one after another, and with a burst of sound, countless arrows shot out from the arrow path.

"Whoosh whoosh."

After the arrow shot out, there was a sharp piercing sound, and it shot straight down.

This is not a bow and arrow, but a continuous crossbow, which can kill people at a distance of 150 steps.And it's firing in bursts, with almost no gaps to stop.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ding ding ding."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Facing countless arrows pouring down, there were countless sounds of arrows piercing the flesh, countless screams, and many, many arrows missed and were nailed to the soil.

Originally, Yuan Jun's soldiers were quite brave, thinking that at least there was a time to rest, so when they attacked Zhao Yun with them, a few people died and it was over.

But it didn't stop, didn't stop, the arrows were almost free, and they played out.

After paying a huge price, Yuan Jun's soldiers immediately gave up, as if seeing hell, and retreated in horror, even the generals could not do it.

"Ding ding ding." At this moment, Ming Jin's voice sounded.

The soldiers were even more pardoned, and frantically discarded the ladder and other heavy objects, and ran towards the rear.

"A nameless and humble general, how dare you underestimate the Han Dynasty." At the critical moment, Dong Gai saw clearly, seeing Yuan Jun's soldiers fleeing, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and said happily.

"Hahahaha." After firing so many arrows, the generals and soldiers of the king on the pass seemed to be venting freely, and coupled with Dong Gai's loud laughter, they all burst into flames. Laughed in response.

This is a blast of ridicule.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang turned pale when they heard the words, but there was nothing they could do. They had also seen the situation just now. This kind of siege would be too bad, unless they prepared huge shields and slowly moved forward under cover.But how many shields does that take.

Countless, countless. [

Moreover, the Liannu is so powerful that it only takes a moment to launch it. Even if they go in with the cover of their shields, as long as they show their heads, they will immediately become a sieve.

"This is the power of Liannu. It's the first time I've seen it." Lu Kuang muttered to himself.

"It's so overbearing." Lu Xiang was no longer rampant, and said in shock.

"Ding, ding, ding." At this moment, the rushing golden sound was still hitting, no matter how helpless Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were, they had no choice but to face up to the military law, and the two turned their heads to look at Hulao with hatred Guan, and then all steed the horses and returned to the barracks.

On the high platform, Guo Tu also looked ashen. Just now, there was a burst of crossbows, and hundreds of soldiers were killed or injured.Even if it is an army of one hundred thousand, how many hundreds of soldiers can be squandered like this?

However, it wasn't this that made Guo Tu more troublesome. Since he saw the personal soldiers of the king's general and the leading general Dong Gai here, what about Liu Feng?

Will Liu Feng be there, and are there any other troops.

What happened to Xixi Zhongyou?

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