I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1863 : Chapter 942 Treat it like nothing

Chapter 940

The so-called personal soldiers are the general's cronies.

Every leading general has his own soldiers. During the battle, he protects the general. If the general dies, his personal soldiers are buried with him.If the general gains military exploits, he will also promote his own soldiers.

The two can be described as complementary.Now Liu Feng, as the crown prince and the king's general, has established a battalion of personal soldiers with 6000 people.It is slightly different from the relationship between generals and soldiers.

But this does not detract from the respect and love of the soldiers for Liu Feng.Without him, because these personal soldiers were taken from Jingzhou, and Liu Feng's kindness covered the sky, calmed down Jingzhou, and made Jingzhou prosperous. [

After that, they responded to Liu Feng's call and became a battalion of soldiers and a battalion of Han soldiers. Their families were scattered around Sili and enjoyed the Han Dynasty's bestowal.

There is a Tao that defends the superior with loyalty, and the king will reward him; if the courtesy is generous, the minister will forget his death.The dead have knowledge, enough to be immortal; the living are grateful, enough to perish.

It means that loyal people protect the king, as long as the king remembers to reward his ministers, the ministers will be able to sacrifice their lives.If the dead know that they can become immortal, the survivors will be more grateful, enough to die for the king.

Most of the soldiers in this battalion have such feelings for Liu Feng.Now, some people are actually laughing, using Liu Feng as a metaphor is fine, and even designing Queen Fu, it is really intolerable.

At this moment, there are more than a hundred personal soldiers patrolling the pass, all of them are furious and murderous.Among them, the two dubos had the highest official positions.

One is Chen Qi and the other is Zhao Feng.

The pro-barracks has the same combat power as the Han soldiers. It is known as the invincible existence among the infantry in the world. Du Bo, who can manage 50 people, is definitely brave and extraordinary, comparable to ordinary generals.

At this moment, all the soldiers surrounded Chen Qi and Zhao Feng, expressing their dissatisfaction and fighting intent.

"My lord, please open and close the door. The younger one will punish this thief for the general."

"Exactly, the rebels are rampant. How can you know that the general is a hero. Even though he is still young, he is still many times stronger than ordinary heroes. It is so humiliating. Wait for the younger ones to attack and kill them."

"That's right, I killed him so that people would know that the name of a great general should not be insulted."

However, more than a hundred people, under the collective denunciation, seemed like thousands of troops, and a sharp spirit rose to the sky.This is the heart of loyalty and supremacy, avenging the king, without fear of life and death.

However, the guards were a bit more simple-minded, but Chen Qi and Zhao Feng had the responsibility of guarding the gate, so they didn't agree rashly.

Instead, they looked at each other, raised their heads and looked towards the east.

"Hahaha. Liu Feng, go home and hide in Fu Hou's arms to nurse."

At this moment, the laughter gradually approached, and the speaker gradually appeared in front of the two of them.The first thing that catches their eyes is the two general flags with the word "Lu", under which there are two generals, all of whom are in gold armor and embroidered robes, with extraordinary power.

After these two, there are more than [-] soldiers.It was these soldiers who burst out laughing and humiliated their great general.

"This is the general of Yuan Shao's army, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiangye. They are brave and courageous, and they are rare elite soldiers in Hebei. If two people attack Hulao, we can shoot them with bows and crossbows. But look at these two people now. It should be because I have tasted the pain of the bow and crossbow, and I don’t want to attack, I just want to insult. If I wait for a sudden attack and charge into the battle, more than a hundred people will be weaker, and I can report to the general for judgment.”

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