I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1869 : Chapter 944 If You Kill a Dog

The five hundred soldiers behind Zhao Yun actually froze for a moment. After all, the contrast was too obvious. They knew that Zhao Yun was tyrannical, but they didn't expect Zhao Yun to pick two people with one shot. corpse.

But it was also because of this that they felt excited.After hearing Zhao Yun's roar to kill, Erlu died in response, how could they not burst into blood?

"Kill." Under the agitation, the five hundred king's general's personal soldiers roared like an enraged bull, and rushed towards the eight thousand elite soldiers under Erlu's tent.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's whole body was covered in blood, and his eyes were as cold as a gleam. He rode his horse, almost murderous, overwhelming the eight thousand elite soldiers.

Coupled with the fear brought about by Erlu's death, the eight thousand elite soldiers immediately ran away without knowing who they were. The whole army turned around and fled to Yuan Jun's camp like a mob. [

As if the opposite side was not five hundred kings and generals' personal soldiers, but fifty thousand kings and generals' personal soldiers, they had already lost their basic ability to judge, and they could be heartbroken.


A moment later, Zhao Yun and his five hundred soldiers chased down eight thousand elite soldiers. They all roared and killed them with a wave of their swords.This group of Lu Kuang, under Lu Xiang's tent, ran across Hebei, but after the death of Er Lu, he was like a mustard, and was slashed and killed by Zhao Yun and five hundred soldiers.

The Hulao was closed, and the banner with the word "Han" fluttering, Liu Feng saw Zhao Yun kill Erlu in a row, and even attacked [-] elite soldiers with [-] personal soldiers.

Liu Feng is also a veteran in the battlefield. Erlu was killed, and the eight thousand elite soldiers under him were heartbroken. Zhao Yun led his troops to cover up the killing, and the effect is self-evident.

It is to destroy the enemy's sharpness, and then defeat the enemy's army, happy, happy.

Because he was in a good mood, Liu Feng couldn't help but looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, there is only a dragon, no one in the world can't be killed."

It really rushed to the brain, with the spirit of being invincible in the world.

"General Zhao is truly majestic."

"The enemy of ten thousand people."

Liu Ye, Jia Xu looked at it and said in amazement.

"Order, beat the drums to help out. And send Dong Gai to lead the rest of the soldiers to cover up the killing together. If the situation is good, maybe they can take advantage of the situation to enter Yuan Jun's camp and solve the trap in the tiger prison." After laughing, Liu Feng took a deep breath. Taking a breath, restrained the smile on his face, and ordered in a deep voice.

"No." There was a promise from the left and right, and the order was sent immediately.

"Dong dong dong."

Immediately afterwards, the beating of drums came to another burst, and the sound was earth-shattering.


Amidst the earth-shattering beating of drums, there was also a roaring sound that soared into the sky. This time, it was the roaring sound from nearly 500 people, which was more majestic than before.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng saw a general rushing out, and the soldiers of the king and general behind him seemed to be a group of tigers coming out of prison, that is, they were strong and numerous.

Like the dark cloud covering the sky and the sun, it rushed towards Yuan Jun's camp. [

Why not take advantage of the momentum to attack Yuan Jun's camp if Erlu is killed?

"Hoo hoo hoo." The east wind was blowing, and the war drums were beating. The bloody smell from the wind flowed from east to west, poured into Liu Feng's nose, and breathed into his chest and abdomen.

A general on the battlefield, the blood of soldiers, the courage of a man, who drinks blood, is a fierce general.

"The majestic man." Stimulated by the smell of blood, Liu Feng's blood was already boiling. He stretched his arms and raised his head to the sky and shouted.

The sound is like thunder, piercing through heaven and earth.

"The mighty hero."

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