I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1883 : Chapter 951 Even a sick bed is a hero

"Okay, then the old man will stand still." Immediately, Dong Cheng laughed again.

"Yuanzhi cultivates with peace of mind. There is an old man in the city, so nothing will happen." Near the reporter, Dong Cheng saw that Xu Shu's eyes were tired, so he said.

"Thank you, General." Xu Shu said with an apologetic smile.

"Take care." Dong Cheng nodded, said, and then ordered the maids to come in and take care of him, and then went out.

After leaving the wing room, Dong Cheng returned to the hall, and ordered the guards to guard the Hushi General's mansion, but no one was seen. [

With Xu Shu's touch of gold, Dong Cheng's scheme came to fruition.

At the same time, the news that Dong Cheng and Yuan Shao secretly communicated the song's style spread throughout the entire Xu County, as if it had spread its wings, and suddenly a silent undercurrent surged.

In Xu County, there are four generals Xu Shu, Dong Cheng, Wen Pin and Gan Ning, who originally guarded the four city gates.Since Xu Shu was injured, Dong Cheng strengthened the north and east walls.

Ganning and Wenpin are on the south and west walls.

Near the south city gate, there was a camp. Gan Ning led his troops and horses to station here at night, and led his troops to fight against Wei and Yuan's two armies during the day.On this day, because Yuan and Wei's armies did not attack the city, Gan Ning was rarely at leisure.

Therefore, Gan Ning sat in the big tent and read a book. Back then, Liu Feng once reprimanded Gan Ning for being rough and easy to kill, easy to make mistakes, so Gan Ning made up his mind to read books to tame his mind.

"Report to General, General Dong and Yuan Jun Fengji shot arrows at each other to deliver news." Suddenly, a soldier broke in and reported.

"Who dares to spread rumors?" Gan Ning's expression changed when he heard the words, he threw away the bamboo slips and shouted angrily.

"Many people saw it with their own eyes." The soldiers continued to report without showing any fear.

"What?" Gan Ning's expression changed. When he heard the news, Gan Ning thought it was impossible at first. Some people spread rumors. It was because they believed that Dong Cheng was a loyal minister. unexpected.

There are three battalions of cavalry in Xu County, Dong Cheng has the main battalion, and although the other two battalions are not under Dong Cheng's jurisdiction, the generals are all promoted by Dong Cheng's confidants. If Dong Cheng turns over, Xu County will be overthrown as a result.

How can Gan Ning not change color.

"Explore again, focus on the tone of the gate guard officer to see if the matter is true." Gan Ning took a deep breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said.

"No." The soldier promised and left immediately.

"The General ordered me to guard Xu County because of his trust. If Xu County is lost, I will have no words to face the General." Afterwards, Gan Ning became even more anxious in the tent, pacing endlessly.

"No." Suddenly, Gan Ning stopped and shouted, "Come here, put on the armor for me."

"Promise." Outside the tent, a soldier promised, and after a while, two people came in, they were both Gan Ning's soldiers, they served Gan Ning and put on armor, the armor was heavy, but they radiated majesty.

When Gan Ning put on the armor, a chilling air came out of his body.The eyes are as if spirited, sharp as an eagle, and extremely violent.

Immediately afterwards, Gan Ning personally put on his sword, took out his spear, and got everything ready. [

"Da da da." But the soldiers didn't bring back the news for a while, so Gan Ning could only continue to pace anxiously.

"Report to the general, I have investigated a military marquis, several uncles, all with names and surnames, they all saw the correspondence between the general and Yuan Jun Fengji." After a long time, the soldiers came in and reported.

"Hateful." Gan Ning scolded, and then said to the left and right: "Order the left and right Sima, Junhou, etc. to lead troops to guard the camp. If there is any change, we can break out of the encirclement. Also, prepare the horses, fifty soldiers and soldiers , follow me to see the general."

"Promise." The soldiers on the left and right agreed, and immediately passed on the order.

Not long after, Gan Ning rode his horse and spear, led 50 soldiers, and headed for the mansion of the General Hussars.But in Gan Ning's camp, the camp gates were closed tightly, and the murderous intent secretly fell.

Most of what Xu Shu planned was successful.

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