I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1886 : Chapter 953 Self-satisfaction

Chapter 950 Three

The night covered the earth, and I couldn't see my fingers.Only the city of Xu County, because of the torches lighting it, is looming in the darkness.

In the north of the city, groups of soldiers were divided into light and dark places. One group of soldiers held torches and slowly patrolled forward, while the other group of soldiers moved forward in the darkness.

The defense is very tight.

Under such a defense, it is difficult for ordinary people to break in, but it is difficult for professional spies.At some point, a dark figure appeared near the gate of the city. He searched left and right for a while, but seeing that there was no one there, he took out something, which was a piece of white cloth wrapped into a ball, with a stone inside.After taking out this thing, the pitch-black figure quickly dropped it, and then ran away without a trace. [

Not long after, a pitch-black figure also appeared under the city. He probed around, groped and searched, and finally picked up the thing, and finally walked away.

These two dark personnel are of course Yuan Jun's spies.They pass messages up and down at fixed times.

After the spy in charge of getting the news picked up the thing, he quickly returned to Yuan Jun's camp.

At this moment, most of the places in Yuan Jun's camp had turned off the lights, only the inside of the Chinese Army's tent was brightly lit, which was very eye-catching.

After the spy returned to the camp, he went straight to the tent of the Chinese army and walked in smoothly.In the big tent, there were only two people, one was Yuan Shao, and the other was Feng Ji. They sat in different positions, with varying degrees of anxiety on their faces.

Seeing the spies enter, the eyes of both of them brightened, and Yuan Shao asked urgently, "Is there any news?"

"My lord." The spy took out the thing, stepped forward respectfully and handed it to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao's eyes lit up, and he quickly took it.

After getting it, he immediately untied it, discarded the stones inside, and unfolded the white cloth.I saw densely packed small characters written on the white cloth, explaining in detail how Gan Ning made a big fuss and conspired with Wen Pin to guard their camps.

"Hahaha, here, the generals are at odds, and I'm under Xu County." After watching Yuan Shao, he was very happy and laughed.

"Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to my lord." Feng Ji Wenyan said with joy on his face.

"Immediately ordered Du Ding to make preparations, and immediately marched into Xu County after discussing with Gu and Dong Cheng." Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao issued an order and said.

"No." Feng Ji promised.However, before Yuan Shao finished speaking, Yuan Shao's face suddenly revealed a vicious look, and he said: "According to this information, Gan Ning and Wen Pin are probably staying in the camp temporarily to wait and see. If a lone army enters the city, his two People must abandon the city to break through and return west to the Hulao. The lonely generals Yan Liang, Wen Chou, generals Lu Kuang, and Lu Xiang were all killed by Liu Feng. Cutting it can vent the hatred in my heart, and let Liu Feng taste the pain of losing a general."

Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and even Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were the pain in Yuan Shao's heart, so Yuan Shao especially wanted to get rid of Liu Feng's one or two generals.

"No." Feng Ji promised again, turned and walked out.

"Han room, hum." After Feng Ji left, Yuan Shao sneered with a look of extreme disdain.

Just when the dark tide was raging in the city, murderous intentions were everywhere, and Yuan Shao's army outside the city was in full swing, preparing to capture Xu County, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was a hint of rain.The east wind is very strong, exuding a whirring sound, like a sonic boom.The so-called dark and windy night to kill people, I'm afraid that's what it is.

In Yuan Shao's camp, inside the south gate of the camp, an army of [-] soldiers was gathered. Each of these [-] soldiers was wearing armor and holding spears, looking solemn and fierce. [

The first general, with a bear waist, a tiger back, and a leopard head, is quite powerful, and his eyes are like Tonglings.In addition, wearing armor and embroidered robes, sitting astride a white horse, and holding a big axe, he is really a fierce general.

This person is from Youyan Fanyang, named Du Ding. Since ancient times, Youyan has many heroes, and Du Ding is one of them.With a mighty figure, he was born to be a fierce general, good at fighting, and even a fierce general among fierce generals.

After Yan Liang and Wen Chou died in battle, Yuan Shao promoted some rising generals. It was at this time that Du Ding fell into Yuan Shao's eyes and became a new general.

As famous as Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and others.

Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang were killed by Zhao Yun's spear, but Zhao Yun was able to stab two generals in a row under a surprise attack.

Otherwise, if the two generals work together, at least they can fight Zhao Yun for more than ten rounds.Therefore, this decision must not be underestimated.

In addition to Du Ding leading the army in formation, there is a high platform next to it, and there are three or five people standing on the platform, two of them are Yuan Shao and Feng Ji.

"My lord, whether we win or not depends on today." Feng Ji took a deep breath and said.

"En." Yuan Shao nodded and said.

"By the way, send someone to inform Cao Cao again, and ask him to be on strict guard. Don't run away from Gan Ning, Wen Pin." Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao was a little worried, and said.

"Promise." Feng Ji promised, lifted the skirt of his clothes, and walked down.

In the east, Cao Cao's camp, inside the tent of the Chinese army.

Cao Cao sat down with Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Dong Zhao, Chen Qun and others, and the atmosphere was somewhat silent.In fact, most of them were not optimistic about Yuan Shao's dispatch of troops, but the changes in the situation seemed to be developing in a direction that was beneficial to Yuan Shao, which made people ponder.

"According to the news in the city, Dong Cheng, Gan Ning, and Wenpin are out of harmony. This is really unexpected." Dong Zhao said with a sigh.

"Liu Fengxiang is well-known all over the world with Bole's knowledge, so how can he misunderstand Dong Cheng. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid there is a demon." Guo Jia said with a sneer when he heard the words.

"What if Liu Feng really sees the wrong person and commits himself to a thief?" Dong Zhaowen retorted.

"Stop arguing, maybe something went wrong, there is a monster at work. Maybe Liu Fengma stumbled and misread Dong Cheng once. It has nothing to do with us. If Yuan Shao wants to do it, let him do it. The loss of troops will be his It's our part to enter Xu County." Seeing the two arguing endlessly, Cao Cao frowned and said.

"What Duke Wei said is true, we just need to do our job well." Chen Qun agreed after hearing the words.

"Report to Duke Wei, and Yuan Shao sent people to ask Duke Wei to be on guard to prevent Gan Ning and Wenpin from escaping." At this moment, a soldier entered the tent and reported.

"Yuan Benchu ​​is really confident." Cao Cao was a little surprised when he heard this, and then waved his hand and said, "Tell someone who comes here, and I will say that I know."

"No." The soldier promised, and went down to deliver the news.

"Don't be in a hurry, gentlemen, and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai to see success or failure." Cao Cao said after taking a deep breath. [

"No." The ministers agreed.

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