I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1888 : Chapter 954 Proud General

What's more, Feng Ji didn't know that his self-confidence infected Du Ding.

You must know that Du Ding is a fierce general, a heavy general, commanding a battalion, and he is Yuan Shao's confidant.Du Ding is well aware of the situation of the enemy and us, Dong Cheng's psychological changes, and all changes in Xu County.

Knowing that Dong Cheng, a big guy, was going to rebel, Du made up his mind that nothing but joy was joy.

What a feat this is. 25 troops besieged Xu County for several months, but Xu County stood like a rock.Now, as a pioneer, he has entered Xu County.

Although the first merit is still Dong Cheng's, Xiancheng surrendered.But after all, he was Yuan Shao's confidant, and he had the most credit for going to the city first. [

"It's a pity that I can't kill Dong Cheng, otherwise I will definitely use a certain battle ax to meet Dong Cheng for a while. To gain fame. Officially replace Yan Liang and Wen Chou and become the real generals of Hebei." As for being complacent, Du Ding was still in his heart. Feeling a little proud, I thought to myself.

In fact, Du Ding did not want to fight this old man Dong Cheng, but who told this old man to go out with a coffin in the Battle of White Horse and behead one of the two generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou?

Only by stepping over Dong Cheng's corpse can he replace, or even overshadow Yan Liang, Wen Chou.

"Why don't you find an opportunity to kill the old man, and then rape the old man to rebel and take the credit?" Du Ding's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help thinking about it.

Just when Yuan Shao, Feng Ji, and Du Ding believed that Xu County must go down, even Cao Cao had a kind of expectation.Du Ding led his troops to gradually approach Xu County.

Not only that, but there are several other Yuan Shao's troops walking slowly behind Du Ding's army.

At the same time, at the head of Xu County, a large number of soldiers were guarding, but none of these soldiers bent their bows or made any attacking moves, appearing very peaceful.

In the houses on the left and right sides, there are many Han soldiers lying down, ready to fight.

Near the gate, Dong Cheng Jinjia embroidered robe, holding a knife and standing on horseback, with hundreds of personal guards behind him.At this moment, Dong Cheng's heart was also boiling with enthusiasm.

After several days of planning, it is today.

As long as Yuan Shao's army is swallowed up, another 6000 people will be eliminated. In this way, Xu County's defense will become more stable.

The world has changed, he is sure that the army along the way has finally survived safely.This is also the best.

"Now that the situation in the city has changed, the spies will definitely notice it. Immediately order the soldiers to guard each other, and don't let the spies ruin the big thing." Dong Cheng took a deep breath and ordered.

The spies passed the news up and down, and they could only choose night.It was impossible during the daytime, so Dong Chengcai chose to contact Yuan Shao outside the city during the daytime, but he had to take precautions to prevent the news from leaking, and the success fell short.

"Promise." A soldier promised, and immediately sent an order.

Immediately, Dong Cheng continued to wait slowly, Yuan Shao's army approached.

As time passed, Du Ding's army gradually approached the north gate of Xu County, while the rest of the army followed closely for fear that things might change.

But he was afraid that Dong Cheng might misunderstand, and he would have a short distance from Du Ding.

Nervous mood suddenly filled the hearts of all Yuan Jun's generals.Especially Du Ding, seeing that Xu County was right in front of him, within reach, his heart beat more and more violently. [

Xu County, it is his military exploits.

Gan Ning, Wenpin, accepting orders.Everything becomes the nourishment for my fame and helps me to become famous all over the world.

Du Ding roared in his heart.

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