I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1892 : Chapter 956 The momentum is overwhelming, swallowing Yuan Jun


At the same time, Dong Cheng's soldiers on the city wall suddenly rose up, and when they attacked and killed, there was another roar of soldiers.

This roar and kill is truly earth-shattering, as if the situation has changed and the sand river is flowing backwards, it is extremely domineering.

"Da da da."

Immediately afterwards, countless footsteps sounded, and these footsteps sounded like horseshoes, heavy and loud, as if the whole ground was vibrating and shaking endlessly. [

Not long after, groups of soldiers rushed out from the houses on both sides. These soldiers were completely different from ordinary soldiers. They wore high-grade armor that only generals would wear, and they held strange weapons in their hands. Bow and crossbow, carrying countless crossbow arrows on the north.

The whole body is almost armed to the teeth.

As these soldiers rushed out, an overwhelming murderous aura suddenly came, which made all Yuan Jun's soldiers change their expressions.

This is a soldier of the Han Dynasty.

In a battle with Zhu Ling's cavalry, killing Zhu Ling made the king's general's personal soldiers, as well as the soldiers of the Han Dynasty, shocking the world, and was hailed as the strongest infantry with a great reputation.

If the reputation is too great, it will naturally have an unbearable power for ordinary people.

At this time, Yuan Jun's soldiers near the city gate made two completely different movements.A small part, got cold feet and withdrew out of the city.

Most of the soldiers roared and rushed over bravely.Under such circumstances, it is undeniable that Du Ding is still good at raising and training soldiers, and he can be called a good general.

"kill".But their rush was like seeking their own death. The soldiers of the Han Dynasty brandished Mo Dao and roared again, one by one, as if chopping melons and vegetables, killing one after another Yuan Jun's soldiers who rushed forward.

And Yuan Jun's soldiers seemed to have no resistance at all, and they fell to the ground in pieces.Even if there were occasional outrageous soldiers who stabbed the Han Wu soldiers, but because of the heavy armor protection, the Han Wu soldiers only suffered a little impact and were not seriously injured, and they were still able to fight again.

At this moment, the defensive power and offensive power of the Han soldiers were fully displayed, as if they were chariots, which could not be killed or injured.

"Kill." It took only a little time for the soldiers of the Han Dynasty to behead Yuan Jun's soldiers near the city gate and take control of the city gate.

"Close the door." Suddenly, a man who looked like an officer rushed out of the Han soldiers and yelled at the soldiers.This man holds a Mo knife and looks fierce. He is Zuo Sima under Xu Shu's tent. He was ordered to cut off the city wall and close the city gate.


At this time, General Yuan Jun from several groups outside the city reacted, roared and led his troops to attack the city gate, intending to rush into the city before the city gate was closed to prevent the Han soldiers from succeeding.

In this way, countless Yuan Jun soldiers rushed into the city gate.

"Humph." The Han soldier was struck again with the left Sima Hengdao, snorted coldly, took out the crossbow at his waist, and lined up with the rest of the Han soldiers in two rows, one squatting down and the other standing, and then pulled trigger.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Immediately, countless crossbow arrows flew out, and amidst the sound of piercing through the air, like streaks of light, they inevitably hit Yuan Jun's soldiers who were trying to rush into the city on the opposite side. [

"Ah, ah, ah."

Countless soldiers of Yuan Jun were hit by the impact, or were killed on the spot by crossbow arrows, or were seriously injured. They screamed and fell to the ground.

For a moment, Yuan Jun's offensive was cut off.

"Close the door." The Han soldier Zuo Sima took the opportunity to roar.

"Boom." The soldiers of the Han Dynasty understood, and sent out ten people to push the city gate and close it.Yuan Jun outside the city was naturally not reconciled, and wanted to push back the city gate and compete with the Han soldiers.

But the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are not waiting for nothing. They are all amazing in physical strength, and their strength is as high as the sky. Only a dozen of them pushed the city gate, pushing many Yuan soldiers outside the city back, and finally closed the city gate with a bang.

"Boom." There was a loud bang, and the city gate closed.Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty swiftly put the latch on the city gate.The huge city gate had five bolts, all of which were fastened by the soldiers.

This means that the situation of closing the door and beating the dog is over.

But everyone knows that the next is the time of real happiness.On the one hand, they had to suppress the Yuan Army under Xiao Wuqian Du Ding's troops in the city, and at the same time they had to deal with several groups of Yuan Army soldiers outside the city rushing to the city.

In order to gain Du Ding's trust, Dong Cheng even removed many defensive equipment.

Therefore, in order to completely annihilate this Yuan army's first battalion and hold the city, the soldiers need to fight hard.

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