I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1912 : Chapter 966 is about to move

"It's up to the plan. I'll break out of the siege, and then lead Zhang Liao to pursue me and enter Dingkun Mountain." Liu Ye said very lively.

"Yes, that's it." Liu Feng nodded and said.Then, Liu Feng pointed to Hulao again, and said: "As Dong Gai led the three thousand kings and generals out of Hulao, there are less than nine thousand elite soldiers left in Guanzhong. In addition to the subordinate soldiers, there are also [-] soldiers under Zilong's tent. But these [-] soldiers have just changed from field soldiers to elite soldiers, and their combat power is not strong. If we want to break out, it will be difficult."

"Gu is planning to divide it into two parts. In one part, Zilong led [-] soldiers and headed north to attract Guo Tu's attention. Gu personally led [-] soldiers and headed south, from the square that formed a right angle. Guo Tu and Zhang Liao broke out from the gap between the two camps. After Gu broke out, Zilong shot a false shot and returned to the Hulao to garrison. But Gu escaped from the trap, which was not in line with Zhang Liao's mission. Zhang Liao must lead his troops Pursue him. Take advantage of the situation and lead him into Dingkun Mountain to capture him."

Facing the crowd, Liu Feng slowly revealed his plan.

"No, general." As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, Zhao Yun and Liu Ye all objected. [

"Why?" Liu Feng frowned when he heard the words, he didn't reprimand, but was just puzzled. His plan should be the safest.There was a feint attack and an actual attack, but Zhao Yun was not wanted, but Liu Ye objected.

"How can the son of a great general lead an army to stand out? Swords have no eyes."

"Exactly, the last general is willing to kill suddenly on behalf of the general."

Liu Ye and Zhao Yun spoke successively.

"Zilong, the [-] soldiers under your tent are field soldiers who have just trained for a month. They are not considered elite soldiers. If there are no strong generals guarding them, they will be defeated at the first touch. Leading [-] soldiers to pretend to attack the north, we can't do without you." Liu Feng was relieved to hear that something went wrong with his own plan, and then said solemnly.

Zhao Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, but he couldn't give a reason to refute.

"Since General Zilong is going to lead his troops to charge and kill, then I will lead the remaining three thousand kings and the general's personal troops to break through and lure Zhang Liao into the urn." Seeing this, Liu Ye immediately volunteered and said.

"There is a gap of hundreds of meters between Zhang Liao and Guo Tu's camps. It seems to be a gap, and it is easy to break through it. But it is not, because breaking through it will definitely cause Guo Tu and Zhang Liao's two large camps. The interception of the battalion, even Xiao Sanqian's personal soldiers, may not be so easy to rush out. They are lonely personal soldiers, and whether they sit alone or not is completely different. Ziyang will not refute this point, right?" Liu Although Feng Wenyan was moved by Liu Ye and Zhao Yun's loyalty, he didn't change his mind, but retorted with a smile.

"This." Liu Ye was also defeated when he heard the words. Indeed, those were the personal soldiers of the great general of the king, but Liu Feng's personal soldiers. If Liu Feng was in charge in person, his morale would definitely increase greatly. It was completely different from him leading troops.

"It's better to choose to break through at night. At night, the soldiers are asleep under the cover of darkness. Zhang Liao and Guo Tu need to spend a little time to assemble the army, and it is easier for the general to break through." Liu Ye thought for a while and said.

"Would Ziyang not know that it is easy to break through at night, but night is the most secretive. If I set up an ambush in front after breaking through, wouldn't Zhang Liao be in the middle of the ambush? Zhang Liao is a good general, and he will not understand this truth If he breaks through alone, Zhang Liao may not be able to pursue quickly, and it will easily cause problems."

Liu Feng smiled when he heard the words, and said.The reason is very simple, you can choose to break out at night, which is easier.But to lure the enemy must be in daylight.

It's impossible for Liu Ye not to understand, he just cares about chaos.

"This." Liu Ye was completely speechless when he heard the words, he had nothing to say, but he was not willing to let Liu Feng take the risk himself.

"The opportunity is fleeting, so how can you be afraid? This time, in order to capture Zhang Liao, so what if you take risks alone." Liu Feng was originally a very open-minded person, but this time he was surprisingly persistent, standing up suddenly, said loudly.


Seeing that Liu Feng had made up his mind, Liu Ye and Zhao Yun had no choice but to agree with Jia Xu.

Now that the civil servants and generals have made their decision, all that remains is to wait.Therefore, Liu Feng dismissed the crowd, allowing them to recharge their batteries with peace of mind.

However, Liu Feng himself couldn't sleep. [

There is a saying that raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.Now he has planned for a month, spending so much time, just to win Zhang Liao.Now, the time has come, and my heart is agitated, so naturally I can't sleep.

Cao Jun has many generals, but only a few can surrender.Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan and others were also Cao Cao's clan, relatives and friends, they could only be killed, but now that Zhang Liao was leading his troops away, it was a rare opportunity.

This time, I will take Zhang Liao even if I die.

Liu Feng looked up to the east, telling himself firmly in his heart that he must take down Zhang Liao.

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