I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1918 : Chapter 969 Golden Iron Horse

"Kill." The general surnamed Chen also changed his face, but thinking of the ruthlessness of military law, it was worth biting the bullet and screaming, and killed him with a knife.

"Kill." The soldiers on both sides quickly met, and there was a roar to kill.This general surnamed Chen didn't have as much courage as Zhang Liao, nor did he have such strong soldiers under Zhang Liao's tent.

As soon as Pu made contact, it was as if the army was defeated like a mountain, and rows of soldiers were killed.There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and blood is overwhelming.General Chen was timid, so he hid in the formation, but soon all the soldiers in front of General Chen were killed, and only the blood-stained soldiers of General Wang were left in front of him.

For a moment, the general surnamed Chen was overwhelmed, and he pulled out his horse and left without hesitation.When the soldiers under the tent saw that the master had fled, they were immediately defeated, as if they had let go of their feet, and returned as they came.

"Hahaha, stupid thief." Seeing this, Zhang Fang laughed out loud, and then led his troops to charge for a while, and after killing hundreds of people, he did not continue to pursue, but ran to the southwest. [

At this moment, Guo Tu stood on the high platform, and he could clearly see the fighting in the two directions.Suddenly, Guo Tu's face was full of smiles.Although General Chen is so useless, Guo Tu was not expecting to be defeated in the face of General Wang's personal soldiers.However, Zhao Yun led his troops to break through to the north, but it was completely within Guo Tu's calculations.

Therefore, his entire army did not move at all, just waiting for Zhao Yun to kill.Now, it's finally time to close the net.

"You, Liu Feng, are as cunning as a ghost, and you can't escape the old man's eyes. That side is just a feint, and this side is the real breakthrough. I want to send Zhao Yun to rescue Xu County, just dreaming."

Guo Tu sneered and said.

"Order, the whole army is dispatched to intercept Zhao Yun." Immediately afterwards, Guo Tu took a deep breath and shouted sharply.


The left and right made a promise, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

"Dong dong dong."


A moment later, the sound of war drums sprouted, and the sound of roaring and killing rose into the sky.One after another, the general flags rushed out of Yuan Jun's camp, and one after another, Yuan Jun's elite soldiers rushed out with the general flags and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

The total amount is astonishing, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, covering the sky and covering the earth, making people heartbroken.

"Good job." Seeing this, Zhao Yun was not surprised but happy, and yelled happily.Because Zhao Yun knew that there was a breakout and a feint attack, and the more Yuan soldiers he attracted, the more help Liu Feng would be able to break out.

With joy in his heart, Zhao Yun swung his spear and clamped the horse's belly, and the Liaodong war horse rushed out like a flying arrow under his crotch.

"Da da da."

The sound of horseshoes was frantic, like the sound of drums, deducing a sound of gold and iron horses, which made the blood of the man boil.

"Kill." Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun roared wildly, like the sound of a thunderstorm, and a shocking momentum overflowed.


This momentum was so strong that even a soldier Yuan Jun in front suddenly changed his face, let out a loud cry, and collapsed on the ground, causing the soldier Yuan Jun's expression to change wildly, screamed, and stood still.

Amazing, amazing, amazing. [

Zhao Yun's fierceness was stronger than that of Tiger Ben.One man, one rider, made tens of thousands of Yuan Jun's soldiers stagnate.

"Hahaha." Seeing this, Zhao Yun laughed wildly, and swept the spear in his hand, bang bang bang.With the sound of heavy objects colliding, a large number of Yuan Jun soldiers were swept away by Zhao Yun.

"Kill." The elite soldiers suddenly came behind Zhao Yun. Seeing Zhao Yun's ferocity, their morale was immediately boosted.

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