I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1921 : Chapter 971 It's a joy to compete with each other

Chapter 970 It's a joy to compete with each other

"Kill the general and capture Liu Feng, and the world can be ruled."

This sentence is well said, well said, it can be said that the Tao has exhausted the mysteries of the world.Cao Cao was relying on the sky to command the princes. In the battle of Guandu, Yuan Shao lost his helmet and armor, and the army was defeated.

Seeing that Cao Cao is about to lead the north and go straight to the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

However, as soon as Liu Feng came out, the situation suddenly changed.Stirring the wind and rain, shaking the sky all the way.Today, he stands proudly in the middle of the world and fights alone against the heroes of the Quartet. [

Just like the Dinghaishen needle, the foundation of the Han Dynasty is as stable as Mount Tai.

What if Liu Feng is pulled out?The Han Dynasty must collapse, and the world can be settled.Capturing Liu Feng can fix the world.This sentence has exhausted the situation in the world.

Liu Feng alone belongs to the country, which is enough to deserve Zhang Liao's evaluation.

"Liu Feng." Not to mention Zhang Liao, even a lowly soldier knows that Liu Feng is a big man in the sky, and it is not an exaggeration to capture him and make him a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households.

At this moment, with the encouragement and leadership of the general and the fame and fortune, the blood in the hearts of the soldiers suddenly became fierce, and they all howled and chased after him.

On the other hand, General Chen led his troops to intercept, but was defeated by Zhang Fang.Fortunately, Zhang Fang was only trying to break through the siege, while Bu fought with him and did not pursue him.

This made General Chen overjoyed and planned to return to the army to rest.

"Kill the general and capture Liu Feng, and the world will be ruled." Suddenly, Zhang Liao's howl sounded, and the soldiers under Zhang Liao's camp also shouted.

The word Liu Feng seems to have a magical power, which instantly attracted General Chen.

"Kill the general and capture Liu Feng." General Chen suddenly changed his mind, and with a howl, he led thousands of elite soldiers to kill the general.

But he wanted to take advantage of it, and captured Liu Feng, which was a great achievement.

In the front, Liu Feng led hundreds of soldiers to rush towards the southwest, and Zhang Liao led his troops to pursue, and then Yuan Jun's general surnamed Chen followed behind, as if chasing a deer.

"Liu Feng, Liu Feng." There were countless roars that sounded like chasing the stag.The scene is extremely grand, extremely enthusiastic, and extremely passionate.

"Front Commander's flag, gold armor and embroidered robes, and the one who stands upright with a sword is Liu Feng. If you capture him, you can worship the Marquis of Wanhu." Zhang Liao steered the horse with one hand and a knife with the other. He opened his eyes wide and looked forward, recognizing Liu Feng's identity clearly. After the figure, he opened his mouth and yelled

"Front Commander under the flag, with golden armor and embroidered robes, who stands upright with a sword, Liu Fengye, if he is captured, he can worship the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households." The soldiers who heard it howled, their blood spurting.

"Front commander under the flag, gold armor and embroidered robes, the one who stands upright with a sword, Liu Feng also, capture him, you can worship ten thousand princes."

Immediately, this sentence covered up the sound of fighting, as if a group of heroes were vying for the throne, rushing forward, afraid of falling behind.

"Familiar with the Three Kingdoms, I think Cao Mengde is a hero. It was the most glorious time when he was galloping the world. He led his troops to conquer Ma Chao and Han Sui. I don't want to meet Ma Chao. Ma Chao is full of blood. Cao Mengde who killed Cao Mengde cut his beard and discarded his robe, which made people excited. But I don’t think today, Gu also has this kind of treatment. Hahahaha.”

Hearing the sound of chasing the deer behind him, Liu Feng first talked to himself, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing. [

Catching Zhang Liao is also a joy, a joy.

"Clang clang." Liu Feng put his sword back into its sheath, then untied the embroidered robe behind him, and focused on controlling the horse, so as not to really become Cao Mengde's second.

He has no beard to cut off.

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