I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1931 : Chapter 976 Finally Captured Alive

Chapter 970 Finally Captured Alive

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Liao's eyes erupted with an astonishing gleam, which was completely in his calculations. This was the consequence of not letting go and capturing him alive.

He, Zhang Liao, was either killed or murdered.Who dares to capture him alive.

Zhang Liao's eyes were as bright as the stars, and he let out a terrifying roar, and slashed at Liu Feng. [

"Kill." The three or five soldiers behind Zhang Liao also roared in unison, and stepped forward with spears.


Dozens of soldiers in front of Liu Feng roared in unison, and Yiran charged at Zhang Liao fearlessly with their knives.Although they saw Zhang Liao's bravery, although they knew it was difficult for them to win, Liu Feng stood behind them.

They rushed over resolutely.

Although the "clang clang" was unexpected, Liu Feng was still calm, and he also drew the long sword from his waist. At this moment, there were only four people in front of and behind Liu Feng.

Two of them were carrying the "Han" handsome flag, and the two were on the left and right of Liu Feng.If Zhang Liao breaks through, I'm afraid Liu Feng will fight Zhang Liao himself.

Of course, at this moment Liu Feng still has another way, that is to rein in his horse and run away. Now that Zhang Liao has no horse, as long as he runs away, Zhang Liao will definitely not be able to catch up with him.

But under such circumstances, how could the dignified general run away?Liu Feng believed that his own soldiers would not let him put himself in danger.


Sure enough, as Liu Feng expected, the dozens of soldiers beside Liu Feng blatantly charged towards Zhang Liao in a desperate attitude.

At this time, they also ignored Liu Feng's order to capture him alive.

"Kill." Faced with these dozens of blades, even Zhang Liao had to avoid their edge, took a step back, and then moved forward with the blade, sweeping away thousands of troops.

"Bang bang bang."

Immediately, the sound of weapons colliding could be heard endlessly, crisp and sharp.

During Zhang Liao's sweep, these dozens of Liu Feng's personal soldiers were swept down in a large area, Sheng, Sheng, Sheng, Zhang Liao's aura was too strong, it was almost like people blocked and killed, Buddha blocked and killed Buddha.

Although these dozens of soldiers forced Zhang Liao to take a step back, they couldn't stop them, really couldn't stop them.At this moment, Zhang Liao is almost the rebirth of the God of War.

Seeing that Zhang Liao was about to jump over the crowd and rush towards Liu Feng.But at this moment, a roar like a thunderstorm sounded suddenly.


Immediately afterwards, a fast horse rushed out like lightning, fast, fast, fast, fast like lightning, no one paid attention, everyone. [

After the fast horse rushed out for a while, the four remaining guards suddenly realized that Liu Feng they were protecting had disappeared.

"Han" word Shuai's banner is empty.

"General." The four soldiers let out an anxious roar, and this figure was Liu Feng.At the critical moment, Liu Feng actually charged out with a sword.

This was completely beyond everyone's expectations, and it was precisely because of this that Liu Feng rushed out.

Zhang Liao.Could it be that I am still afraid of your failure.Since Lao Tzu's personal soldiers can't capture you, then Lao Tzu will capture you himself.At this moment, Liu Feng's heart was full of anger.

So, relying on straddling his horse, he rushed out.

"Kill." Liu Feng's speed was so fast that almost no one could react, so he quickly rushed in front of Zhang Liao. At this moment, Zhang Liao was fighting with the remaining soldiers of the king's general with a knife. To rush out.At this moment, Liu Feng arrived, followed by an explosive roar.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng pulled the rein fiercely, and the horse under his crotch was frightened, and immediately stood up.Immediately afterwards, two hooves attacked Zhang Liao like two hammers.

The king's great general came out himself, not using the long sword in his hand, but the iron hoof of the horse under his crotch, fierce, fierce, and unusually fierce.

It was beyond Zhang Liao's expectation.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Liao can still hold a long knife, so why not kill Liu Feng first?Liu Fenggao was sitting on the horse, and the horse was raised by manpower, which was obviously impossible.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Liao leaned forward with his right foot and slammed to the right, avoiding the trampling of the horse's hoof.

"Touch." In an instant, the horse's hoof fell to the ground, and there was a loud roar, which was unparalleled.But Zhang Liao passed a donkey and rolled to the side.

"Kill." Taking advantage of this time, the rest of the guards rushed up, chasing and beating Zhang Liao who was rolling on the ground.

"Kill." Zhang Liao was so fierce that he still refused to admit defeat. He rolled violently and almost stood up, but was suddenly attacked by several Mo knives.

Zhang Liao had no choice but to block with his sword.

"Bump." With a loud noise, the weapons were grafted together.Even if Zhang Liao was born with supernatural power, it would be difficult for him to compete in strength with the personal soldiers of several kings and generals.

Immediately, his whole body and the long knife were pressed to the ground, unable to move.


At this time, the rest of the soldiers abandoned Mo Dao and rushed forward, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, pressing Zhang Liao under them.

"Ah." Of course Zhang Liao refused to accept it. Under such a situation, he yelled loudly and wanted to use his hands as support to overthrow the soldiers.

But the general situation is gone, unless Zhang Liao really has the strength to push mountains and rivers, it will be difficult to fight back.Liu Feng's two or three thousand king's general's personal soldiers just couldn't stop Zhang Liao, not all of them were killed by Zhang Liao. [

Now that they had regained their strength, they rushed forward one after another, pressing Zhang Liao firmly to the ground.After a while, Zhang Liao couldn't even move a finger.

"Ah." Zhang Liao let out a cry of grief and indignation, but he couldn't move, completely immobile.

Seeing that Zhang Liao was captured, Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Liu Feng broke into a cold sweat just now, thinking of Zhang Liao's ferocity, but he didn't expect Zhang Liao to be so ferocious.

With three hundred against two or three thousand, and he was the most powerful general in the world, Zhang Liao, with his enthusiasm and charisma, led the three hundred soldiers into an almost invincible force, The king's general's personal soldiers cut into two pieces, and almost confronted him.

If he hadn't steered the horse forward at the critical moment and hit Zhang Liao with the horse's hoof, he might not have been able to capture Zhang Liao.

However, fortunately, fortunately, at the critical moment, he was still angry and rushed out just like that.otherwise.Thinking about it, Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Liu Feng raised his head and looked around, only to see that the battle was extremely chaotic, the soldiers and horses of both sides included me, and I included you, killing almost the sun and the moon without light.

Generally speaking, Zhang Liao's soldiers were absolutely at a disadvantage, but they couldn't bear to abandon Zhang Liao, so they fought hard and finally managed to maintain the situation.

"Zhang Liao bowed his head, you can't wait to put down your weapon."

Seeing this, Liu Feng took a deep breath, and shouted while holding his sword.

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