I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1941 : Chapter 982 Guo Tu is miserable

Chapter 980 Guo Tu is miserable

Amidst the sound, the closed door was slowly opened.The first thing that catches the eye is Zhao Yun's figure, with a long spear across his back, straddling a strong horse, showing his sharpness.

Behind them are countless soldiers, waiting in formation, ready to go out.

"Boom boom boom." [

At this moment, the sound of beating drums shook the sky.Amid the beating drums, Zhao Yun pointed his spear forward, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Kill."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun clamped the horse's belly with both feet, and the healthy horse under his crotch rushed out like an arrow.

"Da da da."

The sound of horseshoes was frantic, and the drums for the expedition were sounded.


Countless soldiers behind him roared in unison, followed Zhao Yun and rushed out.Killed Guo Tu's camp.

Guo Tu's camp, inside the tent of the Chinese army.

Guo Tu and the left and right Sima Ben were in the tent, waiting for Zhang Liao. Chen Ben took Liu Feng's head and returned it, but suddenly heard the sound of fighting from the south of the camp.

The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed.

"Why is there such a roaring sound?" Zuo Sima suddenly stood up and shouted.

"Could it be that Liu Feng broke into the camp?" You Sima said with a livid expression.

"Impossible, Zhang Liao, Chen Ben led his troops to pursue, how could it be possible to let Liu Feng escape, and still have the energy to counterattack the camp?" Zuo Sima's expression also changed when he heard the words, but he forced himself to be calm, and said.

"Okay, don't panic, just wait for the news." Seeing this, Guo Tu reprimanded him.Immediately, he yelled loudly to the outside of the tent: "Immediately order the generals of each battalion to guard their own camps, and don't mess up their positions."

"No." There was a promise from outside the door, followed by the sound of horseshoes, and Guo Tu's order was strictly carried out.

"Promise." The left and right Sima immediately became quiet when they heard the words, and Qiqi agreed.However, judging from their faces, expressions, and even subtle movements, they were not very calm.

Let alone Sima, even Guo Tu is the same.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, just like what they said when they argued just now. Zhang Liao and Chen Ben lead the army to pursue, what kind of troubles can Liu Feng make? You must know that Zhang Liao is a brave general of Cao Jun, even if he leads the army A battalion of [-] soldiers and horses fighting against Liu Feng's personal soldiers may not be completely defeated. What's more, this time he used [-] elite soldiers to pursue Liu Feng's [-] personal soldiers. In addition, Chen Ben was on the sidelines to support Liu Feng. defeat."

Guo Tu tried his best to show his own advantages in his heart, and calculated his odds of winning.But in the end, they couldn't convince themselves, because the sound of fighting in the south couldn't be ignored.

Therefore, although Guo Tu told the left and right Sima not to panic, in fact, his own heart could no longer calm down. [

"Da da da."

At this moment, a sound of horseshoes sounded.

"Who is it, come in." Hearing the sound of the horse's hooves, Guo Tu's heart shook and he shouted.

"Report to Your Excellency, General Wu received the information, and Chen Ben followed Liu Feng to attack the south of the camp with the vanguard. Currently General Wu is leading troops to resist, please prepare early."

A soldier rushed in and reported.

"What?" Guo Tu suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the words, and shouted in disbelief.

"Chen Ben actually surrendered, what about Zhang Liao?"

"Chen Ben surrendered and became the vanguard immediately. This man has no integrity."

The left and right Sima also widened their eyes when they heard the words, and shouted.

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