I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1949 : Chapter 986 Guo Tu's Confidence

Chapter 980 Guo Tu's Confidence


The fighting in the south has come to an end. Amidst countless soldiers running, breaking up, or begging for mercy, there is a fierce general who is facing the sky and shouting. This person is Chen Ben.

From an unknown person to a fierce general, he took the shortest time and was the most fantastic general.

Seeing Chen Ben yelling up to the sky, with high spirits, Zhang Fang felt a little depressed. He led the army to kill fiercely, and originally wanted to capture Yan Ming and add a meritorious service.But he didn't want to be preempted by Chen Ben. [

However, Zhang Fang was only depressed for a while, and soon became happy.He is also very happy that there is an extra general in the Han Dynasty.

"There is a saying that when a bird is about to die, its song also mourns. You can hear a person's heart by listening to the sound. Now his roar is sharp and full of boiling feelings. He is really a talent to create."

Liu Feng was already satisfied with Chen Ben's performance today, and now he heard Chen Ben yelling up to the sky, and suddenly he felt a desire to cultivate in his heart.

"Go, continue to go deep into Guo Tu's camp and capture Guo Tu alive." After a while, Liu Feng took a deep breath, pointed his horsewhip to the north, and shouted.


Chen Ben and Zhang Fang put away their moods, each made a promise, and led their troops to chase after them.

However, they were all empty camps along the way, even after walking for several miles, it was the same.

"Guo Tu is afraid that only two generals will be left to block the lone, and the rest of the generals will gather the army and plan to lead the crowd to escape. Continue to go deep and chase him fiercely."

The sight of walking along the road made Liu Feng guess Guo Tu's intention immediately. Liu Feng didn't want to let Guo Tu go, so he yelled loudly.


Chen Ben and Zhang Fang all agreed, and led their troops to surround Liu Feng and continue heading north.

Just when Liu Feng led his troops to defeat Wu Da and kill Yan Ming.

In the west, the battlefield is surprisingly quiet.

The soldiers of the Han army and the Yuan army fought against each other, as if they were fighting each other.But at this moment, they seem to be frozen, they are posing with each other, but there is no movement.

I saw a soldier of the Han army stabbing a soldier of the Yuan army with his spear.And Yuan Jun's soldiers also raised their spears horizontally, as if to block them.

But the two sides are always in this posture, and there is no fight.

Most people are like this, so there is almost a stiff neck on the battlefield.

However, the only thing in common is that the eyes of the soldiers on both sides fell on one place, which was the center of the fight between the two sides.

In the middle, countless soldiers from both sides gathered together, corpses lying around, stumps and broken arms flying across, the ground was almost dyed blood red, it was a scene of tragedy. [

In the middle, a golden-armored general straddled his horse, with a long spear in his hand pointing obliquely at the sky, and a dead body hung on the tip of the spear.

This corpse was tall and broad, dressed in golden armor and a golden helmet, and had an extraordinary status.Obviously he was the general of Yuan Jun commanding the army, but at this moment he became a corpse hanging on the tip of the spear of the golden armored general.

"Drip drip."

In this battlefield where the sound of falling needles can be heard, the blood dripping from the tip of the gun is so hideous.

"The general is dead, the general is dead." This weird atmosphere lasted for a while, and then it was broken.Countless soldiers of the Yuan Army had no intention of fighting, screamed wildly, and rushed away.

"General Zhao is mighty, General Zhao is mighty."

However, the soldiers of the Han army cheered in unison, and then their fierce eyes flashed fiercely, and they chased the soldiers of the Yuan army who were scattered in all directions.

This golden-armored general was Zhao Yun, and the general on Zhao Yun's spear was Chen Kuang, one of the two remaining generals left by Guo Tuliu in the west.

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