I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1951 : Chapter 987 Going to the Poor and Biluo, Going to the Underworld

Chapter 980 Seven

"Da da da."

In Guo Tu's camp, near the large tent of the Chinese army, countless soldiers began to walk towards the northeast.

Among them, there is a handsome flag with the word "Yuan" fluttering in a heroic manner.What's more, there are eleven general flags on all sides, like stars arching the moon, guarding the commander-in-chief flag among them, it is really powerful.

Obviously the whole army was defeated, but Guo Tu and other generals from above, and the soldiers from below did not show any fear on their faces. Instead, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward to returning to the army. [

It can be seen that Guo Tu's self-confidence was completely conveyed by the generals, so the army's morale was stable.Originally a defeated army, it became the momentum of returning to the army.

Return to the army, return to the army.Returning Army.The law of war says, do not chase after returning to the army.

Although Liu Feng often did not abide by this Art of War, it was actually very reasonable.

Although Guo Tu's camp stretched for more than ten miles, the camps of the generals competed with each other, which seemed to be very complicated.But the road was extremely wide, and the soldiers passed the road smoothly.

Guo Tu's defeated army of 5 to [-] people left the camp quickly, and accelerated their speed, returning to Guandu in the northwest.

It wasn't until Guo Tu led the army to leave that Liu Feng and Chen Ben led the army to the vicinity of the large tent of the Chinese army.

Looking at the empty camp, Liu Feng showed a look of coldness and disdain, and said: "That guy Guo Tu is indeed resourceful, but he has little courage."

Liu Feng's disdain is not without reason, even if Chen Ben is lost, Guo Tu's army still has [-] to [-] people.With such a huge army, he actually walked away without a fight.

Being resourceful but not courageous is what Liu Feng said.

"General, what should we do now? Are you still pursuing?" Zhang Fang rode his horse beside Liu Feng, looking at the empty camp, he looked up at Liu Feng and asked.

Next to him, Chen Ben also had doubts on his face, and he had hidden expectations.

"Da da da."

Liu Feng glanced at Zhang Fang, then at Chen Ben, waiting for an answer.At this time, there was a sound of hooves and footsteps.

Liu Feng's eyes lit up, and he turned his head to look west.Not long after, a large army appeared in front of Liu Feng, with a "Zhao" flag leading the way, and a golden-armored general standing under it, it was Zhao Yun.

"Zilong came at such a speed, it can be seen that he has gained a lot." Liu Feng steered the horse, slowly came to the front of Zhao Yun, and said with a smile.

"The last general fulfilled his mission and broke Guo Tu's second battalion." Zhao Yun got off his horse and reported meticulously.

"Is your heart happy?" Liu Feng was amazed when he heard the words, he and Chen Ben also broke through the second battalion together, but the result was only a step faster than Zhao Yun, this is really a god general.

Immediately afterwards, the fighting spirit in Liu Feng's heart became even higher, so he asked.

"Going away from Guo Tu, I'm naturally not happy." Zhao Yun was usually so modest, but now he was somewhat arrogant, replied. [

"Okay, let's go after it." Liu Feng was overjoyed when he heard this, and smiled.

"General, the soldiers have walked back and forth for seventy or eighty miles, and after fighting for a while, they are already quite tired. I'm afraid they won't be able to pursue them." Zhang Fang was startled when he heard this, and said.

"This general is worrying too much. If I am with General Zhao, I can go after Guo Tu." Chen Benben beside him was already looking forward to it, and said immediately upon hearing this.

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