I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1953 : Chapter 988 Turtle

Chapter 980 Eight Turtles

It is only more than 100 miles from Hulaoguan to Guandu, and there is a Zhuangkang Avenue as a connection.Because it was during the war, this road was built very wide and strong, and it could supply three carriages in parallel.

Weeds and weeds are everywhere on both sides of the road, and there are even bones on the road, which is very desolate and tragic.

"Da da da."

Suddenly, there was a sound of hooves and footsteps.Not long after, a large army appeared from the west, and the first thing that caught the eye was a flag with the character "Zhao". Standing under the flag was a general, slender, handsome, with gold armor and embroidered robes, and a six-foot long spear horizontally. In the back. [

At this moment, this general is looking around with wolfish eyes, his eyes shining brightly.

Behind the general, there are countless soldiers who stretch as far as the eye can see.

In the center of the army, there stands a handsome flag with the word "Han", and the big flag flutters with extraordinary majesty.There is also a general standing under the flag, a golden-armored horse with a whip in his hand.

He is a little short in stature and immature in appearance, but his eyes are bright and compelling, and his aura is not even inferior to that of the general in front of him.

The soldiers around him were only wearing underwear, holding strange weapons and crossbows pinned to their waists, but their aura was exceptionally strong.

This army was the Han army that was chasing Guo Tu's army to the northeast.

Zhao Yun was in front, Liu Feng was in the middle, and Chen Bendian was in the back. There were more than [-] people in total.

"General, we have pursued for more than 50 miles, but we only saw traces of Guo Tu's army walking, but we did not catch up. Guo Tu's army is running really fast. If this continues, we may not be able to pursue it."

In front, under the banner of the "Zhao" general, a soldier beside Zhao Yun looked at the traces of the passing army in front, and said with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"It is precisely because we have pursued for more than 50 miles that we should be catching up soon. After all, the soldiers are exhausted after such a long distance. Moreover, Guo Tu seems to think that the general will not lead his troops to pursue, so it should be an order at this time." Rest for a while, and then go on the road." Zhao Yun smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then gave an order: "Order the soldiers to slow down a little, maintain their strength, and prepare to fight."


The soldiers promised, reined in their horses and returned, and went down to convey the order.

Soon after, the running speed of the army slowly decreased.The front fell, and the rear immediately followed.

"It seems that Zilong judged that Guo Tu is not far away." Under the banner of "Han" commander, Liu Feng felt the change of the army's running speed, and immediately smiled and said.

"En." Beside Liu Feng, Zuo Sima Zhang Fang, the personal soldier of the king's great general, followed closely all the time. Hearing this, he nodded and smiled.

With the change in speed, the momentum of the army also changed suddenly.The soldiers tightened their weapons one after another, with a fierce look in their eyes, and a murderous aura shot straight into the sky.

What Zhao Yun expected was correct. Just about ten miles away from the Han Dynasty's chasing army, a larger army was heading towards Guandu.

The atmosphere among the soldiers was not chilling, but rather joyful and anticipating, returning to the army. It was precisely because of Guo Tu's exaggeration that this large army became a returning army.

Returning to the army is full of the joy of the end of the war and the expectation of seeing my family.If you use fashionable words, they have divorced from reality and become an army living in a dream. [

In war, this is a very dangerous state.Under normal circumstances, the general in charge of the army will deploy a strong rear army to cut off the rear.

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