I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2072 : Chapter 1049 Is it a night battle?

But a day is too little, too little.Although the Han army was so fierce that Ma Teng and Han Sui lay tens of thousands of corpses, they still failed to capture the water village.

This is not a crime of war, but Ma Teng, and Han Sui is too honest to kill him with one blow.

That's all, that's all.Anyway, it was a big victory, and it was enough to win and return.If it was a night battle with lights on, it would be fine for the soldiers to be weak, but if Sima Yi used fire to attack, they might be turned into coke immediately.

"Mingjin withdraws troops."

Liu Feng took a deep breath and ordered. [


Zhao Yun promised, and then went down to deliver the order.

"Ding ding ding."

A moment later, the rush of gold and iron chimes sounded.Hearing the clanging of gold and iron, the soldiers on both sides stopped fighting involuntarily.

But the moods and expressions of the soldiers on both sides were completely different.

Ma Teng and Han Suijun's soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief, and the physical and mental pressure suddenly disappeared.Too strong, too strong, the Han army is really too strong, and the pressure they faced in the face of the Han army was simply earth-shattering.

Now that the pressure disappeared, many soldiers of Ma Teng and Han Sui's bones softened and almost fell to the ground.

An imposing man, a heroic soldier in the Northwest, fighting with others, he almost became weak.No one would believe it, but at that moment, these soldiers really felt this kind of weakness.

Although they defended the water fortress, the soldiers did not feel joy in their hearts, but were filled with shame and humiliation.They really can't stop the Han army.

Unlike the soldiers of Ma Teng and Han Suijun, the soldiers of the Han army were unwilling, very, very unwilling.Under the command of Liu Feng, the Han army has always been invincible.

Before the war, Liu Feng intended to seize the mouth of the river in one day and complete the login.So the soldiers fought hard.Now Liu Feng is willing to take the risk and personally command the flag, but it has not succeeded.

How does this make the soldiers reconciled?

The soldiers of the Han army stopped fighting and retreated step by step, but they did not exit the water village.

"Why don't you back down?" Zhao Yun said slightly displeased.

"I'll check it out at the end." A general yelled, wanting to investigate.But at this moment, dozens of people came down from the Han army.

Liu Feng and Zhao Yun squinted their eyes and saw that these dozens of people were not dressed like ordinary soldiers, but they were all dubos and military lords.

These dozens of people came to the front and back of Liu Feng, and they all knelt down on one knee.Then, a person walked out of it.This man has a hunchback and a tiger back, and one can tell at a glance that he is a fierce man.

Judging by the clothes on his body, he is a Sima in the army.

At this moment, the leather armor was broken, covered in blood, and his face was full of fatigue, but his eyes were full of resentment, resignation was just a big victory, they needed a complete victory. [

"General, we can still fight."

This Sima didn't have much eloquence, but was full of enthusiasm. He knelt in front of Liu Feng on one knee and said a word.Then he looked at Liu Feng, his eyes were still sharp, as long as Liu Feng said a word, he could kill the rebels and punish all disobedient officials in the world.

"General, we are still able to fight, and we are willing to fight at night."

The dozens of military leaders behind Sima also roared in unison, their voices were hoarse, but their murderous aura was canceled out, and their momentum remained the same.

"General, we are still able to fight, and we are willing to fight at night."

Further back, after hearing the words, the remaining three or four thousand Han soldiers immediately became agitated, and then roared with all their might, but they were full of innocence.

Immediately, the expressions of Ma Teng and Han Sui's soldiers changed suddenly, and they looked at Liu Feng nervously.

They don't want to fight anymore, they really don't want to fight anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha."

A hearty laugh suddenly came out.

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