I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2092 : Chapter 1059 Willing to plan

It's time to earn Pound.


Everyone agreed upon hearing the words.

After Liu Feng received the news, he decided to keep his face and let Pang De come forward on his own initiative, and then decided to follow suit.In this way, it was just as Liu Feng expected.

Sima Yi's one-man show can't be sung either. [

Time passed, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.Liu Feng's Nan'an remained calm, while Bei'an became impatient.

This day, at noon.

At this moment, it has entered summer, and the sun is in the sky again, which can be described as scorching sun.

On the north bank, in Ma Teng's and Han Sui's camps, soldiers could be seen everywhere taking off their leather armor, clothes, and shirtless, taking shelter in the shade to avoid the heat.

The temperature is really high, the air is really hot.But some people's hearts are even more burning.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Ma Teng and Han Sui knelt on the commander's seat together, Sima Yi, Yan Xing, Ma Chao and others sat on both sides.At this moment, the faces of Ma Teng, Han Sui, Yan Xing, and Ma Chao were all very ugly.

Even Sima Yi could hold his breath and was not in a hurry.

"Sir, our news has been released, but three days have passed, and Liu Feng has not moved at all. He has not sent anyone to contact Ling Ming. Could it be that Liu Feng has seen through our plot and stayed put?"

This fact is of great importance, Ma Teng couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth to ask.

"Exactly. If Liu Feng believed it, he would have sent someone to contact him long ago." Ma Chao nodded and said.

Han Sui and Yan Xing didn't speak, but from their eyes and facial expressions, it can be seen that the two of them also have doubts like Ma Teng, Ma Chao and his son.

"On the contrary, I think it's because Liu Feng is hesitant to tell the truth from the fake. That's why he stays put and waits for the situation to develop." Sima Yi said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Then what should we do?" Ma Teng frowned and asked.

"Exactly, one side should make a statement, otherwise it will be dragged on like this forever. Isn't this bitter trick for nothing?" Han Sui nodded and said.

"It's time for someone to express their opinion. We have to send someone to contact Liu Feng." Sima Yi nodded when he heard the words, and agreed.

"Then who to send?" Ma Teng asked immediately.

"General Pang De will go there in person." Sima Yi said surprisingly.

"What? Isn't this a sheep going into a tiger's mouth?" Ma Teng said suddenly when he heard the words.This sent Pang De over, isn't this a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, what is it?

At this moment, even Ma Chao, Han Sui, Yan Xing and others were shocked in their hearts and showed suspicion.If it wasn't for Sima Yi's clan being in the north, they might suspect that Sima Yi had ulterior motives. [

"General Pang De will go in person, there are two advantages." Seeing this, Sima Yi said calmly.

"What's the benefit?" Ma Teng temporarily suppressed the shock in his heart and asked.

"Since it's a bitter plan to feign surrender, wouldn't it be more sincere for General Pang De to go in person?" Sima Yi asked back.

"But what if Ling Ming is trapped in the Han camp?" Ma Teng said dissatisfied.

"That's impossible. General Pound will go there in person, and Liu Feng's doubts will disappear. Then he will release General Pound and let General Pound supervise the army as an internal response. In this way, Liu Feng can attack the camp at night. , Destroy our more than [-] elite soldiers. Liu Feng will not detain General Pound, so sending General Pound there is really the best policy."

Sima Yi explained with a smile, with a calm demeanor, as if everything was expected.

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