I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2094 : Chapter 1060 Meeting at Night

After returning to the big camp, Liu Feng and Dong Gai went straight to the main tent of the Chinese army.Not only that, after entering the big tent of the Chinese army, Liu Feng waved Dong Gai back, took off his clothes, and knelt on the handsome seat wearing only his underwear, waiting for the people from the northern camp to arrive.

"Da da da."

Not long after, amidst the sound of footsteps, a soldier entered the tent of the Chinese army and reported: "General, a man from the northern camp claims to be Pound, and asks to see the general."


Liu Feng opened his eyes and cried out. [

"A man from Beiying, who claims to be Pang De, is here to ask to see the general." Liu Feng yelled, and the soldiers had to say it again.

Once again affirmed by the soldiers, Liu Feng suddenly had an urge to kill Pang De immediately.

This time attack the northwest.Apart from eliminating Ma Teng and expanding Han Sui's territory, Liu Feng also had another purpose, which was to gather the Northwest warriors as wings.

As for the Northwest Titans, Ma Chao is the first, Yan Xing is the second, and no one understands Pang De better than Liu Feng.Especially Pound.

This person is unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, and is Liu Feng's first target.

In the Battle of Hekou that day, Pang De resisted Zhang Liao, and Liu Feng witnessed it with his own eyes.Liu Feng felt an urge to hold this Northwest champion immediately.

Now that it is automatically delivered to the door, Liu Feng is naturally impulsive.

However, Liu Feng soon restrained this impulse.Compared with Da Po Ma Teng and Han Sui's army, although Pang De is good, his weight is somewhat insufficient.

This time, Pound automatically delivered it to the door, which meant that the bitter plan was basically done.All he needs to do is to stabilize Pound, and then lure Pound, and the rest of Ma Teng and Han Sui's army to ambush.

Big break.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng couldn't help feeling agitated. It wasn't until he took a deep breath that Liu Feng calmed down temporarily.

After calming down, Liu Feng had to admire Sima Yi again.It was really a big risk for Pound to come here, there was a huge risk of being killed and captured.

But Sima Yi still sent Pang De over, everything was to win his trust, and to prepare for the fire attack after the bitter plan.

If it wasn't for Liu Feng's foresight to know that there was a battle of Chibi in the future, he might have been tricked by Sima Yi.As a result, blindly accepting Pound became the end of Cao Mengde.

But alas, he knew.Sima Yi's strategy, no matter how perfect it is, is like floating clouds.

"Send Dong Gai in. Then, bring Pang De in." Liu Feng said after taking a deep breath.


The soldier promised and walked down immediately.And Liu Feng stood up and put on a cape over his underwear.Not long after, Dong Gai walked in again.

Under Liu Feng's signal, Dong Gai stood by Liu Feng's side as a guard. [

Pang De is the enemy of ten thousand people. If it weren't for the strong guards, Liu Feng would not rush to see Pang De.Wouldn't it be unfair if he was captured in his own tent of the Chinese army?

After Liu Feng and Dong Gai had made full preparations, they saw a soldier leading a person walk in.

This person was wearing ordinary clothes, with a turban wrapped around his head, but he had a broad body and a majestic appearance. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, with a sense of majesty.

Therefore, it was Pang De, the general under Ma Teng's tent, whom Liu Feng coveted.

"Meet the General."

After Pang De entered the big tent, without waiting to look at him, he immediately saluted Liu Feng.

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