I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2104 : Chapter 1066 Tighten step by step

Chapter 66 Tighten step by step

Just when Ma Chao and Yan Xing crossed the river to fight, and when Ma Teng and Han Sui laughed and were full of spirits.Pang De led two thousand elite soldiers deep into Wang Ping's base camp.

"Run away."

"Go and inform the general."

"Mom." [

There are soldiers of the Han army running around, most of them are unarmed, and some are even topless, with their breasts exposed.

Running around, fleeing, a mess.


On the contrary, Pound's army was very tidy, with flags unfurled and spears shining brightly. They stepped on neat steps and kept advancing amidst roaring and killing sounds.

If you encounter a Han soldier who doesn't have long eyes, kill them casually.If the soldiers of the Han army fled in all directions, they would not ask any questions, and only wanted to rush into the camp quickly.

At the front of the two thousand soldiers, Pang De straddled the horse he had obtained from the Han camp and rushed to the front. He kept raising his long knife and let out roars that soared into the sky to motivate the soldiers.

It boosted the morale of the soldiers.

"Rush over, rush over, keep advancing, find Liu Feng, and kill him."

During the march, Pound uttered a roar again, which not only boosted morale, but also had a great temptation, which really stirred up the soldiers' hearts.

"Kill." The two thousand soldiers let out a wolf howl, strode vigorously, exuding the domineering arrogance to take Liu Feng's head straight, and rushed deeper into the Han camp.

"Mice, dare to be rampant."

In this way, he killed more than a hundred meters forward, but at this moment, someone in front suddenly shouted, the voice was rich and full of provocation.

Pound looked up, and saw that there were hundreds of people in front of him.

These hundreds of people were considered clean-up, but the panic on the faces of the soldiers seemed to be unconcealable, which greatly affected the appearance of the army.At the front of these hundreds of soldiers, there is a flag with the word "King" erected, and the flag is waving in the wind, which is quite imposing.

Standing under the banner is a general, wearing a golden armor and embroidered robe, straddling a healthy horse, holding a six-meter long spear, majestic and majestic.At this moment, the general was glaring at Pound, obviously the loud shout just now came from this general.

"But General Wang Ping is in front?" Seeing this, Pang De remained calm, stopped his horse, and raised his fist in salute.

"Fraudulent surrender, I'm ashamed of you talking. See the real chapter in your hand." Wang Ping snorted coldly, swung his spear, and planned to leap forward.

"Wait a minute, General Wang." Pound yelled loudly, and Wang Ping paused for a moment.Seeing this, Pang De was overjoyed, and continued to shout: "Tonight, the general ordered me to lead two thousand elite soldiers to the south bank, and Ma Chao and Yan Xing led [-] horse and infantry as the backing. Now I have burned down the water fortress of the Han army. He entered the camp of the Han army again, the general situation of the Han army is gone, why didn’t the general surrender sooner? If the general surrenders sooner, I would like to recommend him for the general, and guarantee that the general’s official position will not be inferior to the present one.”

"Mice, the emperor has millions of people, and the general has more than a hundred thousand armors, and his power shakes the world. I would rather be a ghost of the country than a thief general. Don't talk about it, let's fight." [

Wang Ping yelled sharply when he heard the words, then reined in his horse and charged towards Pound.


Hundreds of soldiers behind Wang Ping roared and killed, and followed Wang Ping to kill Pound.

"A true warrior should be captured alive." Seeing this, Pound felt a little admiration for Wang Ping, and ordered his left and right.


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