I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2117 : Chapter 1073 Shipwrecked

Chapter 73 Shipwrecked

At night, the fire in the Han camp had not been extinguished, but most of the fighting had stopped.

"Tick, tick."

Liu Feng led hundreds of soldiers and chased northward in the direction where Ma Chao and Yan Xing had fled.It's almost a complete victory tonight, but without these two people, it's unavoidable that it's not beautiful.

In Liu Feng's heart, he was always thinking about it. [

The north wind blew like a knife's edge, cutting Liu Feng's cheeks with pain and pain.But Liu Feng couldn't stop Liu Feng's desire for a fierce general.

"Drive." Liu Feng waved his horsewhip and shouted.He even urged the horses under his crotch to run to the north.

Not far from Liu Feng's front, four generals including Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Zhang Liao, and Zhao Yun were still wrestling.

"Ma" and "Yan" were surrounded by thousands of soldiers on both sides of the general flag, and these thousands of elite soldiers followed the general flag and ran wildly to the north.

In the rear, the "Zhao" and "Zhang" flags were also surrounded by thousands of soldiers. These thousands of elite soldiers followed the flags closely, chasing and killing the troops in front.

Although, the number of the two sides is not much different.But the morale of the two sides is completely different.In front of Ma Chao and Yan Xing's army, they looked like bereaved dogs, looking panic-stricken.

The morale of Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao's troops in the rear was high, almost reaching the peak. While chasing and killing them, they roared and killed from time to time.


Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun's army let out another roar, and the murderous aura hidden in this roar was enough to deter ferocious beasts.Ma Chao, Yan Xing's army, and some of the soldiers who were fleeing ahead suddenly trembled in their hearts and slowed down a step.


Charged to kill Zhang Liao who was at the forefront, Zhao Yun burst out violently when he saw this, each armed with a weapon, and killed these Yan Xing and Ma Chao soldiers who were a step behind.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

In an instant, more than ten people fell to death under Zhang Liao's and Zhao Yun's swords and guns. Not only that, there were also countless soldiers under the command of the two who rushed forward and started a massacre.

In the blink of an eye, those Ma Chao and Yan Xing soldiers who were a step slower turned into a pile of meat, a dead body.


Numerous soldiers of Ma Chao and Yan Xing turned their heads and saw this scene, and suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, and then the running footsteps became faster, and the distance between the two sides was actually widened. a little.

The old saying is good, a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, but now this sentence is also appropriate for Ma Chao and Yan Xing's army.


Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao naturally did not allow such a thing to happen, and Qi Qi roared to boost morale.


The soldiers under the command of the two also fought for their spirits, followed by a roar and killed, summoned up the remaining strength in their bodies, and chased after them, the distance between the two sides was shortened for a moment.


"If it's on the north bank, we have more than [-] cavalry troops, why should we be afraid of the Han army?"

Ma Chao and Yan Xing led the army at the forefront. When they heard the screams from behind, they turned their heads and looked at it like some soldiers, and immediately raised their eyebrows, unwilling to say.

That's right, if they had known this earlier, they would rather lead an army of 14 horsemen to fight to the death with Liu Feng's tenth army, and they would lose both sides.

Now, he was guarding the water village first, but lost to the enemy and lost [-] to [-] soldiers.Tonight's design, bitter plan, fire attack plan, has been laid out for so long and took so much effort.

But the final result was that [-] cavalry troops were lost. Whoever put this on would feel painless and unwilling.

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