I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2120 : Chapter 1074 Returning with a big victory?

But it's better than being dead.

The water of the Yellow River failed to swallow the two of them, it really is a tough fate.As a general, he must be invincible.


Liu Feng's laughter was hearty and full of penetrating power.So it spreads out a long way.On the surface of the river, there was a small boat upturned, ups and downs.

As for Ma Chao, Yan Xing abandoned his armor and weapons, and only wore his underwear, grabbed the hull of the boat and floated.Although they survived the catastrophe, the expressions of the two of them were not very good-looking. [

Because of Liu Feng's laughter.

"We yelled just now, Liu Feng must have heard it. And when he heard that we survived, he actually laughed. Hmph." Yan Xing snorted coldly, his eyes were very unhappy.

"Sooner or later he won't be able to laugh."

Ma Chao also said angrily.

But immediately after, a lot of decadence appeared on the faces of the two of them.Although it sounded good, this time it was really a big failure.

At any rate, there were hundreds of soldiers coming back with them just now, but when a huge wave hit, they were all swallowed up by the Yellow River except for the two of them.

Including Pound's soldiers and horses, there were [-] horse infantry, all of which were in vain, and what was even more uncomfortable was the loss of Pound.

"A general in a defeated army is not brave enough to speak. I will regroup and defeat Liu Feng, and then I will say these words."

Yan Xing sighed and said.

"As it should be."

Ma Chao nodded fiercely and said.

Both of them are fierce generals, like wild horses that have run wild, their fierceness is still there.Rebellious and unruly, not submissive to Wang Hua.Therefore, he despises Liu Feng and is proud and conceited.

Therefore, the first thought was to regroup and fight Liu Feng again.However, deep in the hearts of the two of them, there was a faint sense of powerlessness.

The reason was because of Liu Feng's laughter, which was full of confidence that he was sure of winning.This kind of laughter made the two of them feel as if they were in a cage, and sooner or later they would be swallowed by Liu Feng.

It was hard for the two of them to imagine that they wanted to take Liu Feng's life today, and they would become Liu Feng's generals in the future, that would feel too bad.

"Even if you die in battle, you are not willing to be a Han dog."

The two made up their minds in their hearts, a kind of determination to move mountains.However, who knows what the future holds.

In other words, Yan Xing and Ma Chao's luck is really good.The two of them grabbed the hull of the boat and floated to the north shore.

"Boom." [

Amidst a loud noise, the boat that Yan Xing and Ma Chao were holding on to shattered into pieces, while Yan Xing and Ma Chao were thrown high and onto the shore.

This swing is very heavy.It made the bodies of the two of them seem to be on fire, which was unbearable.However, both of them were fierce people, they looked at each other, endured the pain, and stood up.

Then, the two glanced at Ma Teng not far away, and Han Sui's camp, looked at each other, and left for the camp.Not long after, the two arrived outside the camp.

When the two of them were standing outside the camp, they still felt like they had survived a catastrophe.

Lost [-] cavalry infantry, and even Pang De confessed to being in the South Camp.There were only two of them left, but they were able to come back alive, it was truly a blessing from the heavens.

"General Yan, General Ma is back."

Just when Ma Chao and Yan Xing sighed a little, a soldier shouted in surprise.

It was Ma Teng, and Han Sui knew that the water village was on fire and the iron-chained warships had been breached. After Pang De led his troops into the Han camp, he immediately sent many soldiers to stand guard at the gate of the camp to listen for news.

An order was issued to report immediately once news of Ma Chao and Yan Xing was obtained.

Now Ma Chao, Yan Xing returned and made a sound, which naturally surprised the soldiers.

Returning with a big victory must be returning with a big victory.

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