I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2124 : Chapter 1076 Sima Yi's miserable laughter

And this welcome also allowed Ma Teng and Han Sui to divide the northwest equally, known as the two heroes, and their power greatly increased.Therefore, the two called the left and right generals, worshiped Sima Yi as the former military adviser, and the inside as the mastermind.

At the estuary of the stalemate, Sima Yi even set up an earth-shattering bitter plan, a fire attack plan, to counter Liu Feng's chained warships, which was originally high-spirited.

Now, now.

Ma Teng, Han Sui saw Sima Yi laughing so hard that his expression was disturbed, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't help but feel sad, he was really sad.

"My heart is higher than the sky, and today I turned into a clown. Hahaha." [

While laughing, Sima Yi suddenly yelled, full of self-mockery.

That's right, Sima Yi wasn't desperate for failure in his heart, in fact, so what if he failed, Ma Teng and Han Sui just lost [-] to [-] soldiers and horses.

Now there are [-] to [-] soldiers under his command, and [-] soldiers and horses in the north still exist, not to mention that the two have close ties with the Qiang people, and they can call hundreds of thousands of Qiang people to go south at any time.

Even with [-] troops remaining, Sima Yi is not yet desperate.What's more, Ma Teng and Han Sui are still powerful enough to deter one side.

It was Liu Feng's methods that made Sima Yi desperate. After listening to Ma Chao and Yan Xing's narration, how could Sima Yi not know that Liu Feng had seen through his strategy long ago, so he specifically targeted and set up an ambush.

The water fortress was breached, and the iron chain warships were burned down. Everything was Liu Feng's trick to lure the enemy.

That's right, the combination of the water fortress and the iron-chained chain warship is indeed extremely important, and it was also forged by Zhenxi General Pang Tong who spent a lot of money.But the water fortress, the iron-chain chain warship, what are those for?It was used to attack the mouth of the river, and as long as the tiger swallowed Ma Teng, Han Sui's [-] horse infantry army swallowed the general Pang De.

Then Ma Teng and Han Sui will have difficulty guarding the mouth of the river. What water villages and warships do the Han army need?Only a few ferry boats are needed to cross the Yellow River and enter the hinterland of Northwest China.

Therefore, the loss of the water fortress and the iron-chained chain of warships was nothing more than a drop in the bucket to Liu Feng.What's ridiculous is that they, because after Pound broke through the water stronghold and burned down the iron-chained warships, he ordered Ma Chao and Yan Xing to lead his troops to accompany them, so that the [-] army was in vain.

I don't know if it's a trick, but I'm in a hurry to die.

All of this naturally made Sima Yi feel how small and ridiculous he was.Just when he had exhausted his mind and set up a bitter plan, a fire attack plan, and even let Pang De go ashore in person to win Liu Feng's trust, thinking that the plan was precise and seamless.

Liu Feng, however, stood on a high mountain, looked down from above, and kept smiling to see him alive and kicking.Isn't this just a clown?

How could this make Sima Yi, whose heart is higher than the sky, bear it.

Ma Teng and Han Sui were defeated, and Sima Yi could treat them calmly. Even if Pang De was captured or killed, Sima Yi could still pretend to sigh a few times and say a few words to comfort Ma Teng.

Sima Yi can always maintain a detached heart.But at this moment, Liu Feng saw through the trick, and Liu Feng calmly followed the trick, obliterating everything about him.

Thinking of it, Liu Feng's smile was not a smile, full of the appearance of winning.

Sima Yi's heart felt as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. That kind of pain was the reason why Sima Yi laughed miserably, was why Sima Yi felt hopeless, and was why Sima Yi felt lifeless.

"Hahaha." Thinking, thinking, Sima Yi felt more and more ridiculous and miserable, so much so that he couldn't stop laughing, even though he was hoarse, he didn't notice it, and he was still laughing loudly.

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