I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2130 : Chapter 1079 This True Mysterious Turtle

"Hahaha." The crowd watched Liu Feng lead the crowd slowly walking along the city wall, pausing from time to time, looking left and right.Suddenly let out a loud laugh.

"My city of Xianyang mobilized tens of thousands of people and tens of thousands of troops to repair it together. Although it was repaired, it was actually almost like recasting. Because the walls that were slightly defective were overthrown and recast Liu Feng's attempt to find flaws in the city wall is useless."

Ma Chao laughed and said.

"Perhaps, Liu Feng is really like a heavenly man, and he can find flaws in the absence of flaws." Yan Xing also laughed when he heard the words.

To Ma Chao and Yan Xing, the fiasco last time was tantamount to a great humiliation.Especially when Liu Feng saw that they were alive, he still laughed out loud. [

This made Ma Chao and Yan Xing even more embarrassed.

Seeing that Liu Feng wanted to find the flaws in Xianyang City, he taunted him almost without thinking.It's not that the two are broad-minded, but that Liu Feng is so aggressive that he is hated by others.


Following the words of Ma Chao and Yan Xing, the people accompanying them, including Ma Teng and Han Sui, let out a loud laugh, quite happy.

The Xiongcheng of Xianyang, Sima Yi said, is a city that can be attacked by advance and defended by retreat.If Liu Feng could find a flaw, they might as well kill themselves together.

When Liu Feng first arrived in Xianyang, he didn't know how to plan to destroy the city, but wanted to use his brains on the city of Xianyang, which is really absurd.

At this moment, Liu Feng didn't know that Ma Teng, Han Sui and others were laughing at him in the city, even if they knew it, they wouldn't care.When arriving at a place, first observe the appearance of the enemy army and the surrounding terrain, isn't it the duty of a general?

On the contrary, Ma Chao, Yan Xing laughed without thinking, it was too emotional, it was a kind of sequelae after losing too badly.

Not advisable.

Liu Feng didn't know all this, but what Ma Teng, Han Sui and others said was right. Liu Feng led Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi and others back with a heavy heart after they failed to discover any flaws in Xianyang City. big camp.


On the city, Ma Teng first saw Liu Feng leaving, so he said with a smile.

"Isn't it true that I found some flaws?"

"Looking at his back, it looks a little heavy, and I'm afraid he didn't get anything. Sigh, I'm really worried for him."


Everyone laughed.All the generals were happy, even Sima Yi was deeply impressed.The city of Xianyang is tall and large, with [-] to [-] armored soldiers in the city, and there is enough food and grass to feed an army of [-] for more than a year.

There will be no flaws at all.

"Let's go back." Soon, Liu Feng drifted away and disappeared in the Han army camp not far away.Ma Teng felt a little bored and said.

"Okay." Han Sui nodded. [

Immediately, everyone followed Ma Teng and Han Sui and left together, with great confidence in Xianyang City and a little bit of joy left.

On the other side, Liu Feng did indeed return to the camp.

When Liu Feng led the crowd to inspect the city wall, the camp was still bare, but at this moment, the outer perimeter had been set up.

The rest of the military accounts are still being erected.

However, Liu Feng's tent in the Chinese army enjoyed the first-class treatment and was set up early.

Liu Feng then led the crowd to the big tent of the Chinese army, and as soon as they sat down, Liu Feng gave an order: "Here's an order to order all the generals to enter the big tent of the Chinese army to discuss important matters."

"Promise." A soldier promised, and went down to deliver the order.

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