I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2134 : Chapter 1081 Water Attack

Liu Feng also knew that everyone was eager to destroy the city, but they couldn't do so for more than a month, which would waste the country's power for a long time, and felt very embarrassed.

Therefore, Liu Feng didn't hold back, and smiled slightly, and said, "It's simple, it's water attack."

"Water attack?" Liu Ye was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and said in a broken voice.

Xianyang is fifty miles away from the Yellow River, and this area is not flooded.Otherwise, Qin would not have established its capital in Xianyang.

Of course, there is also a way, that is to dig water to irrigate the city. [

But the question is, are the cavalry in the city vegetarian?Once they summon the peasants on a large scale, they will dig water to irrigate the city.Fearing that he would face Ma Teng immediately, Han Sui's cavalry would suppress him.

At that time, not to mention the heavy casualties, it will also cause a setback in morale, and Hekou's courage to win a big victory will be gone.

"General, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to dig water to irrigate the city." Liu Ye knew it was inappropriate, and as a military adviser, he naturally began to remonstrate.

However, Liu Feng is also the crown prince after all, the king's great general, and excitedly summoned them to speak out this plan. Liu Ye somewhat gave Liu Feng some face, and only politely advised him.

Everyone present, although Zhang Heng and Cheng Yi were candidates for such brave and foolhardy generals, the rest of them were all wise and resourceful.

Such as Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Wang Ping and others, who dares to say that they are brave and foolish?

Therefore, after hearing Liu Ye's words, most people couldn't help but nodded their heads immediately, and also felt that the plan to fill the city was a bit inappropriate.

After listening to Liu Ye's words, Liu Feng looked at the expressions of everyone, and suddenly let out a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, who said that I will dig water to irrigate the city?"

Hearing Liu Feng's loud laughter, a wise man like Liu Ye was also a little confused. Besides digging water to irrigate the city, is there another way to achieve this water attack?

"Floods in the Yellow River have existed since ancient times. Xia Yu has made great achievements in controlling the water. Now, Gu wants to do the opposite, block the Yellow River, and gather water to attack the city. During these days, the sky is raining heavily. Isn't it God's help?"

Liu Feng didn't let Liu Ye and others think too much, and laughed again.

"Blocking the Yellow River?" Immediately, Liu Ye, Jia Xu, Deng Zhi, Pang Tong and the others were extremely shocked. They thought of many ways, but they never thought of such a way.

Block the Yellow River directly and gather water to attack the city.This is how, how unimaginable.

If the Yellow River is really blocked, the situation is really embarrassing.Although blocking the Yellow River can only be done on the south bank, and Ma Teng and Han Sui's iron cavalry can be avoided, but that.

"General, if you act like this, the whole Yongzhou will probably become a whole country." Liu Ye opened his mouth, was stunned for a long time, and then said.

"No problem, Yongzhou is sparsely populated. Gu can order Zhong Yao to gather all the people together, either to live in high places or in the city. After the flood is over, there will not be many casualties. After the flood, Gu ordered the tax exemption for three years. Revitalize Yongzhou." Liu Feng took a deep breath and said.


At this moment, Liu Ye had nothing to say, and made eye contact with Jia Xu, Deng Zhi, Pang Tong and others for a while, and they all fell silent. [

If Liu Feng is ruthless, he will give up the food cultivated by the people of Yongzhou, the houses, farm tools, cattle, etc. they own.Then after the flood, it spent a lot of money to reshape Yongzhou, and released farm tools, cattle, and food for the people to eat for one or two years. This is no problem.

I just don't know if the financial resources of the Han Dynasty can eat such a big hole.

"The decree of King Gu ordered Zhong Yao to mobilize [-] civilians to block the Yellow River and gather water to attack the city."

When Liu Ye and the others had no opinion, it meant that there was no resistance. Seeing this, Liu Feng felt relieved and ordered.


Everyone promises.

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