I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2138 : Chapter 1083 The Yellow River surges

Taking advantage of this wave of water, Xianyang was broken, and the land of Yongzhou was completely lost for the Han Dynasty.The folks threw sacks into the Yellow River with all their strength, and kept encouraging themselves.

The [-] people on the Hekou side were in full swing, but the city of Xianyang in the north did not know that a catastrophe was imminent. Ma Chao and Yan Xing followed the usual practice and walked up the city wall, standing on the ground floor of the city gate, to inspect the city wall.

At this time, the rain flew down like an arrow, hitting the person's face with extreme pain.Yan Xing stretched out his hand to touch his cheeks that were wet by the rain, and suddenly felt a little worried, and said, "The rain is extraordinary. Liu Feng's promotion to the camp may have a plan."

"No problem. Xianyang City will not be submerged, and I have already sent people to investigate. Liu Feng did not send people to dig the river and release water to irrigate Xianyang. Water attack is impossible."

Ma Chao said with a smile. [

That's right, Ma Chao sent spies to arrange the land within [-] miles. If Liu Feng really dug the Yellow River and irrigated it, tens of thousands of people would have to be mobilized.

It is impossible for him not to know about such a large-scale operation.

It's a pity Ma Chao didn't know that Liu Feng did use tens of thousands of people's power, but instead of digging water, he blocked the river. Know.

"That's right." Yan Xing heard the same reason after thinking about it, so he let go of his heart and continued to watch the sky calmly, feeling the power of the storm.

To the northwest, the Han army camp.In the big tent of the Chinese army.

Liu Feng sat tall on the commander-in-chief seat, and below him were Liu Ye, Jia Xu, Pang Tong, Deng Zhi and other civil servants and generals.

At this moment, Liu Feng's expression was a little restless, and he was quite restless.And all the civil servants and military generals, except for a few who were extremely calm, were more or less restless.

Too big, too big for this thing.Under Xianyang, Ma Teng and Han Sui's 14 elite soldiers were wiped out.The Han Dynasty can have all the land of Yongzhou. This matter is too big, and it has to make people anxious.

"General, the time is almost up, it's time to prepare." Not long after, Liu Ye said, he kept counting the time and realized that it was almost time.

"Zhao Yun, where is Wei Yan?" Liu Feng heard a flash of light in his eyes, and a look of excitement on his face, then took a deep breath and ordered.

"The last general is here." Zhao Yun and Wei Yan were heartbroken when they heard the words, and immediately got up from their seats and came to the front of Liu Feng, bowing down.

"Order you and the other two to lead [-] soldiers. According to the plan, when the water is full, take a raft and attack Xianyang by water." Liu Feng ordered.

"Promise." Zhao Yun and Wei Yan both agreed upon hearing the words, then turned and left immediately.

"Success or failure depends on one move. Gu always believes that the Han Dynasty will rule the northwest again. Ma Teng and Han Sui are no more than a mob." Zhao Yun and Wei Yan left, but Liu Feng's mood was still high. He opened his mouth and said, The tone is very loud, as if swallowing thousands of miles, full of domineering.

"Congratulations, General."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, and then they all raised their fists in congratulations.But they all believed that Liu Feng could do it, that Yongzhou was leveled, and Liangzhou was just around the corner.King's Landing to the northwest is not far away.

Just like Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and other forces in Xianyang City thought they were solid, and did not take Liu Feng seriously.Just when Liu Feng was sharpening his sword and planning to gather water to attack the city.

Near the mouth of the river, the Yellow River is finally almost finished.

"Hurry up, there's only a little left." [

"Work harder, block the Yellow River, and then you can take the water to Chang'an to avoid disaster."

"Ah ah ah ah."

"Puchi, puchi."

On countless civilian ships, under the mutual encouragement of the civilian husbands, countless sacks were thrown down, causing countless splashes.

During this process, the gap in the Yellow River is no longer visible.Because the water of the Yellow River overflowed completely, reaching above the knees of people.

Folks can only rely on memory to continue to plug the gap.And as time goes by, the water is getting more and more full, and correspondingly, the gap should be less and less.

As a result, the folk husbands worked harder.


Finally, several sacks were thrown down again, as if there was a loud roar, and the water of the Yellow River, which was already soaring, became even more ferocious countless times.

The water of the Yellow River surged at a speed visible to the naked eye, rising by one, two, and three feet.

Finally, the gathering of water is done.Enough to take a raft and attack the city.

"Hahaha, you can go back to Chang'an by boat and report to Lord Inspector."

"The Yellow River surged and flooded Xianyang, a feat of ages. Hahaha."

Many civilian husbands laughed together, and then steered the boat, braved the wind and waves to seek refuge in Chang'an.As for Xianyang City, it is estimated that it will not be so easy.

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