I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2151 : Chapter 1090 Sima Yi Heartbreaking

The first thousand and ninety chapters of Sima Yi's heartbreaking

For a general, losing a battle is not a problem.As long as you escape from birth, you can also encourage yourself and cheer yourself up with the fact that victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs.

But if he dies on the battlefield, or is captured, then nothing is left.

Therefore, a general who has lost a battle, at this stage, is most afraid of encountering the enemy's pursuit, especially the pursuit of those elite soldiers.

And Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others are currently in such a state. They have dozens of soldiers, and there will be no more than four, but there are hundreds of soldiers chasing them. [


Under the urging of Ma Teng, Han Sui and others, the soldiers and slaves rowed the raft together, and dozens of rafts, including members of the Sima clan and Ma clan, all headed north.

"Pursue the general and capture Ma Teng, Han Sui."

When Zhao Yun saw Ma Teng, Han Sui walked away in embarrassment, and immediately let out a hearty laugh and ordered.


The soldiers agreed in unison, supported the raft with all their strength, and chased after it.

The two sides struggled to support the raft, chased and fled, and headed towards Beicheng at an extremely fast speed.However, after all, in the Han army, most of them are the children of Jingchu, not only good at water, but even the technique of supporting rafts is much stronger than the northerners.

And the morale was high, and in this chase, he quickly caught up with Ma Teng, near one of the rafts behind Han Sui's brigade.

On the raft, several women could be seen hugging several young children, facing the pursuers, terrified.

"Hahaha, kill."

Some soldiers of the Han army laughed a few times and rushed forward with all their might.

"Ah, ah, ah."

But the woman immediately let out a sharp cry, but the Han soldiers who went up did not do anything, they just drew their knives on the necks of several women.

Immediately, the women did not dare to move, but their eyes were still filled with horror.

"General, what should we do?" A soldier shouted.

"Don't hurt your life for the time being." Seeing this, Zhao Yun was overjoyed, and captured Ma Teng, Han Sui's clansmen and descendants alive. That was also an order from Liu Feng. At the critical moment, with these clansmen, it would be much easier to persuade them to surrender. up.So, Zhao Yun yelled and responded without hesitation.

After catching up with this raft, the morale of the Han army was extremely high, and they chased after it again with arrogance and arrogance.

"Come on."

In front, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others saw this scene, their hearts were broken and they couldn't help shouting. [


However, the Han army really didn't understand the feelings of Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others. They continued to roar, brandishing their ring-headed swords, and rushed up.

Amidst the sound of roaring and killing, the soldiers occupied several more rafts.However, this time was different from the previous one.

The first raft occupied by the soldiers was only the wives of the Ma clan.But this time, among the several rafts, there was one of Ma Teng's servants, and Ma Teng was quite fond of his servants.

That is the well-known Shu Han general, Ma Dai is also.


I saw a few young men standing on a raft intercepted by the soldiers of the Han army. One of them was handsome and tall with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.But at this moment, the young man was drawn by a blade, and he couldn't help being a little frightened, so he yelled towards the raft ahead.


Hearing Ma Dai's cry, Ma Teng immediately felt a heart-piercing pain, his eyes were bloodshot instantly, and he shouted.

That was his favorite son.

Pain, severe pain.At this moment, Ma Teng could only think of why he raised troops against Liu Feng, otherwise, why would the Ma clan come to this point.

Under the pain, Ma Teng almost fell to the ground.

"Father, we will use our swords again and again to fight against the Han Dynasty. If it is obtained by Liu Feng, I am afraid that we will not be spared." Seeing that Ma Teng almost fell to the ground, Ma Chao's face showed some regret, so he persuaded him .

"What Meng Qi said is very true. If it is obtained by Liu Feng, I am afraid that the three clans will be wiped out. Brother, don't mess yourself up. As long as you lead a few sons to retreat, the Ma clan will still be a famous big clan." Han Sui didn't feel any serious pain, but he was advancing and retreating with Ma Teng at this moment. He didn't want Ma Teng to lose his position at a critical moment, so he persuaded him.


Hearing Ma Chao and Han Sui's persuasion, Ma Teng barely stopped the grief in his heart, repented, and became firm again, but seeing Ma Dai being taken away by the Han army, he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

While Ma Teng was grieving, Ma Chao, and Han Sui were persuading him, Sima Yi stood on the raft, staring at the rear.At this moment, Sima Yi was pinching his hands so tightly that his veins popped out, but he didn't know it.

Sima Yi at this moment, never had the calmness and determination to gnaw off a piece of meat from the Han army just now when he was so ruthless, he was conscientious and courageous.

It wasn't that Sima Yi was afraid of death, but that the pursuers of the Han army approached a little closer after they plundered Ma Teng's most beloved son, Ma Dai.And the nearby rafts had people from the Sima clan, and most importantly, Sima Yi's younger brother, Sima Min, was also on it.

The Sima family has eight brothers in Sima Yi's generation, known as Bada.Except for his elder brother Sima Lang and a few brothers who were officials in Cao Wei, the rest followed Sima Yi out of Chang'an and rushed to Xianyang.

Sima Yi was loyal to Cao Cao. In addition to being optimistic about Cao Cao in the early stage, he was also stubborn and unconvinced in the mid-term.I think Liu Feng is just opportunistic, and the winner must be Cao Cao.

But in the middle, there were still Sima Lang and others in Cao Wei. If they surrendered, they were worried about being implicated, so they sent their clansmen out of Chang'an to Xianyang. [

But at this moment, Sima Lang and other brothers have nothing to do, but the little brothers who follow him are about to have something to do.At critical moments, Sima Yi is also a mortal, with flesh and blood.What's more, the dangerous ones are his brothers, siblings.

How could Sima Yi remain calm?At such a moment, not to mention Ma Teng, even Sima Yi felt a little regretful in his heart, if he knew this earlier, why bother.


At this moment, the Han army roared and killed again.Sima Yi's heart was shocked, and he quickly looked towards the place where the roaring sound came from, and his heart was pierced immediately.


I saw Sima Yi's youngest brother, Sima Min, being subdued by the Han soldiers, he drew a knife to his neck, and let out a mournful cry.

The sound of "brother" broke Sima Yi's heart, and he almost passed out.


Sima Yi opened his mouth and screamed, extremely shrill.

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