I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2154 : Chapter 1092 Return

Chapter 92 Return to Life

During this pursuit and escape, only Ma Teng and Han Sui's rafts gradually decreased, and the Han Dynasty's rafts also gradually decreased.

Because every time a raft is captured, the soldiers of the Han army will send soldiers to garrison to prevent them from escaping.As a result, this weird situation in which the numbers of both sides are decreasing has formed.

In the end, there were only two rafts left by Ma Teng and Han Sui's side, and with Ma Teng and Han Sui's main raft, there were only three.

Not only Sima's people were captured alive, even Ma's only Ma Xiu, Ma Tie and others were left, even Ma Teng's concubines and concubines were not spared. [

In such a situation, even Ma Teng and Han Sui, who are bold and ambitious and want to make a comeback, and Sima Yi, who is too sad and has monstrous hatred, can't help but feel a little nervous.

Although the soldiers of the Han army are also gradually decreasing, there are still more than ten rafts. In addition, the leader is Zhao Yun. If Wei Yan is caught up, they must be captured.

"Kill, kill, kill."

However, the morale of the soldiers of the Han army headed by Zhao Yun and Wei Yan had already reached a very high level. They were howling again and again, like wild wolves hunting, extremely ferocious.

However, this city of Xianyang is still Ma Teng and Han Sui's territory, which is quite advantageous for the two of them.

During this pursuit and escape, the two sides have gradually approached the northern city gate.But at this moment, the northern city gate was opened, obviously the guard at the head of the city, for Ma Teng, Han Sui was able to walk out, and wanted to leave a way out.

"Come on."

Ma Teng and Han Sui were overjoyed when they saw the city gate opened, so they urged the soldiers to move faster, and the soldiers whose physical strength was gradually exhausted were immediately excited when they saw that there was a way ahead, and they supported the raft with all their strength and went to the city. Go to the door.

Although the duck is not yet cooked, it is close at hand after all.

When Zhao Yun and Wei Yan saw Ma Teng and Han Sui about to leave, they couldn't help being shocked and angry. Zhao Yun even shouted towards the top of the city: "The Han army is occupying Xianyang, and there are all Yongzhou, Ma Teng, and Han Sui's lost dogs. How dare you attack them?" Let Ma Teng go, Han Sui?"

"If you rein in your horse from a cliff and lead an arrow to shoot Ma Teng, Han Sui, I will act as a general, and I will order you to be a general and worship Liehou." Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yun felt that the tone in front of him was a little harsher.So, he slowed down and changed to lure.

Ma Teng, Han Sui trembled when he heard the words, it would be terrible if the guard turned his back.

"Hahaha, there are loyal and strong men in Xiliangdan, and there are no thieves who betray the master." There was a hearty laugh from the top of the city, and then, a general appeared beside Zhao Yun and the others and ordered loudly: "Fire the arrows."

"Whoosh whoosh."

Following the general's order, arrows rained down on the city.

"Go, go to the city, and kill this beast." Seeing that the coercion and lure failed, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan didn't say anything cruel, it was just asking for their own humiliation, the two looked at each other, and said unwillingly One sound.

Then, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan led the army to the city, intending to kill the general who ruined their good deeds.

"Finally, it's safe."

And Ma Teng, Han Sui and others were able to walk out of the city, and everyone looked at each other, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. [

"General Chen, take care." Then, Ma Teng raised his fist and saluted towards the top of the wall.

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