I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2159 : Chapter 1094 Entering the City

That's a good point.Liu Feng couldn't help but sighed in admiration. On the one hand, Ma Dai expressed his firm stance, and on the other hand, he euphemistically expressed that the great man ruled the world with filial piety. He followed Ma Teng because of filial piety, not because of rebellion.

In this way, he not only showed his loyalty and obedience, but also showed himself that he was not wholeheartedly fighting against the Han Dynasty.Live life is also possible.

Not only Liu Feng was amazed, but even Pang Tong, Jia Xu, Liu Ye and others who were next to him showed a little bit of strangeness. It is a testament to their talent to be able to say these words at a critical moment.

The general really is Bole.

"Hahaha, this Ma family's good horse." Liu Feng put away his threatening expression, then pointed at Ma Dai, laughed three times, and praised. [


Facing Liu Feng's sudden change of attitude, Ma Dai was really confused and a little dazed.

"Your family's ancestor was Ma Yuan, a general under Emperor Guangwu. Have you ever thought about becoming a general in the Han Dynasty and restoring the glory of your ancestors?" Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng asked.

"The glory of the ancestors, I naturally admire them. But I can't bear to meet my uncle and brother." Ma Dai was very courageous and declined.However, it was exactly what he said just now.

It is to be filial to Ma Teng and not bear to abandon him.

Such loyal and filial people are also reassuring for generals.

Thinking about it, he fell in love with Ma Dai more and more, and said: "Ma Chao is brave, and Gu loves him very much. You can rest assured that Gu will design and capture Ma Teng. Ma Chao and his son will not harm them."

Liu Feng spoke very confidently, but Ma Dai had no doubts, because Liu Feng traveled all the way, repeatedly smashing Ma Teng and Han Sui, so that Xianyang was flooded, and [-] to [-] troops were wiped out.

I'm afraid it's his uncle or elder brother who escaped with his life today, and he's afraid that he will inevitably be captured in the future.Moreover, Liu Feng himself admitted that it was capture, not beheading.

The crown prince Liu Fenggui, the king's general, was given a golden root chariot, a five o'clock auxiliary chariot, and was almost the emperor.There's no reason to lie to him.

"If this is the case, Xiaomin is willing to be a general under the general's command, as a pioneer, and conquer the world's disobedient ministers." Ma Dai kowtowed.

"it is good."

Liu Feng smiled and nodded when he heard the words, then turned his head to Zhao Yun and said, "This is beautiful jade, but if it is not carved, it will not be a good tool. First, it was under Zilong's command and became a military lord. I hope Zilong can cultivate it carefully and add good generals to the great man."

"No." Ma Dai's performance also fell into Zhao Yun's eyes, and Zhao Yun gladly accepted the order to cultivate this kind of beautiful jade.

"Greetings to General Zhao." Ma Dai was also clever, and immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Okay." Zhao Yun nodded with a smile when he heard the words.

"Hahaha, although Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Sima Yi are gone, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs, so there is nothing to worry about. Instead, they entered Xianyang and captured Ma Teng. Han Sui had [-] or [-] soldiers, and now he has another piece of beautiful jade. .This is a complete victory. Congratulations."

After dealing with Sima's and Ma's affairs separately, the battle of Xianyang can be regarded as the end.Liu Feng could finally enjoy this moment of great victory, he opened his mouth and said with a smile.


All civil servants and generals were also happy and laughed.

"It's a pity that the flood is not receding at this moment. I can't enter the city." After laughing, Liu Feng said regretfully.

However, Liu Feng's pity did not last long. A few days later, Zhong Yao activated the small mechanism that was set up in advance to block the Yellow River.

It made the Yellow River normal again, and the flood receded.

Liu Feng ordered ten elite soldiers to enter Xianyang, so far, the land of Yongzhou belonged to Liu Feng in the true sense.

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