I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2162 : Chapter 1096 Without hesitation

Chapter 96 No turning back


After all, Deng Zhi was a little younger, and finally couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the shock on his face became more obvious.

He heard right.The general said again, first feed the people, and then feed the army.Although, this is true, the ancient sages always advocated putting the people first.Deng Zhi also respects sages and thinks so.

But that is more of an ideal, and in many situations, it is completely impossible.For example, in troubled times, in troubled times, military power is the most respected. [

Youdao is the attacker, the first soldier.If you want to win the world, you have to have military power in your hands.If the military spirit is no longer there, what should we do?

"General, although it is said that winning the hearts of the people is the long-term solution. But if the army's morale is shaken, I'm afraid it will hurt the root immediately." At this time, Liu Ye spoke first.

Although he woke up from the shock faster than Deng Zhi, he was no better than Deng Zhi, but also because of this, Liu Ye's instinct as a counselor caused a strong rebound in Liu Ye's heart. He wanted to persuade, To correct Liu Feng's mistake.

At least, in Liu Ye's mind, Liu Feng was wrong.

"General, think twice." Jia Xu also took a deep breath and raised his fist in salute.

"General, think twice." Deng Zhi finally came to his senses, and said hastily raising his fist.

"It's not that I'm blinded by profit, trying to win the hearts of the people, and forgetting important things. I naturally know that the attacker has the right to fight first. Regarding this matter, I will share it with the soldiers of the Tenth Army." Liu Feng said without changing his true nature. .

"Let's give an order to distribute the food. The people come first, the army second, and the captives last." Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng said to Deng Zhi.

"This." Deng Zhi hesitated when he heard the words, but in the face of Liu Feng's persuasive gaze, Deng Zhi finally chose to trust Liu Feng, and raised his fist to promise: "No."

After making a promise, Deng Zhi immediately took his leave and left.

"Call the soldiers from the ten routes to the east of the city, and talk to them personally." After Deng Zhi left, Liu Feng glanced around at Jia Xu, Liu Ye said.

Jia Xu and Liu Ye knew that the matter was on the verge of breaking out after hearing the words, so they could only trust Liu Feng to find a way to solve the matter.

So, the two saluted and said, "No."

After a while, Jia Xu and Liu Ye also said goodbye and went out.And with the two of them leaving, Liu Feng's order was also mobilized.

Pang Tong, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Dong Gai, Wei Yan, Ma Zhong, Wang Ping, Cheng Yi, Zhang Heng, Hou Xuan and other ten generals commanded the army and mobilized elite troops to gather in the east of the city.

Liu Feng's prestige is unparalleled.As soon as he gave an order, the ten elite soldiers in Xianyang City naturally moved.Under the leadership of their respective generals, they went to the east of the city.

"Da da da."

I saw countless teams of soldiers in the city striding forward and dispatched in order.

"What happened?"[

"Could it be that the king's great general plans to mobilize the army and continue the northern expedition?"

"Then what should we do?"

Countless people saw such a situation, even though they were curious about what happened, they were extremely apprehensive. If Liu Feng left, what would happen to their rations, and what would happen to their future?

"Go, it's useless for us to stay here, go and see what's going on, maybe you can see the general. If the general has mercy, he can survive. If the general doesn't show mercy, I will please ask the general to live .”

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