I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2175 : Chapter 1102 Soldiers enter Liangzhou

However, when things started in a hurry, Liu Feng ordered Jingzhou to be assembled, and the grain from Hanzhong was transported to Yongzhou, the journey was far away, and now Liu Feng didn't know where it was.

"Reporting to the general, according to the information, the first batch of food has arrived near Chang'an. It is estimated that it will be sent to Xianyang in two or three days." Deng Zhi, as a long history and the chief of the army, knows this well without thinking replied.

"Well, two or three days, and let the soldiers eat for a few days. After ten days, the troops will be dispatched, and when Liangzhou is pacified, even the Qiang people will be wiped out."

Hearing this, Liu Feng complied with the generals' request, and ordered fiercely.

"The general made a clear decision." [

When the generals heard the words, their hearts were shaken immediately, and they bowed down.

"Hahahaha." Liu Feng laughed loudly when he heard this, and readily accepted the compliment.After laughing out loud, Liu Feng was about to say a few words.

"Da da da."

But there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a soldier walked in.In front of everyone, the soldiers reported: "Report to the general, Dongfang urgent report. Cao Cao personally led [-] troops to attack the tiger prison. Huo Jun is almost on the verge of collapse."

Immediately, the high morale in the hall plummeted, the generals were all shocked, and Liu Feng's expression became slightly ugly.

"General, the Hulao Pass is of great importance. If the pass is breached, Luoyang will have no danger to defend. Shall we go back to help Hulao first?" Zhao Yun said after hesitating for a while.

He was aggressive just now and planned to take the lives of the two dog heads of the Qiang people, but now he said that he was going back to the army. He was somewhat unwilling, but Zhao Yun had a calm personality and still said it out.

"General, let's wave your troops. Cao Cao's [-] troops are no small matter." Wei Yan said cautiously after a moment of silence.

Although the Northwest cannot succeed all at once, at least Xianyang has been occupied. Not only has the entire Yongzhou been obtained, but the front has also been pushed forward countless miles.

Squeezing Ma Teng and Han Sui's living space.To be honest, according to Ma Teng, the territory Han Sui now occupies is really hard to develop.

Compared with the Northwest, Wei Yan also felt that Luoyang was more important.

Immediately afterwards Zhang Liao, Dong Gai and others, the generals except Pang Tong expressed their opinions one after another, inviting Liu Feng to return to the army.

Liu Feng's face flickered for a moment, then let out a laugh, and said: "Everyone can tell right from wrong, know the seriousness, instead of being full of enthusiasm, go forward with one brain. Gu is very happy." First he said something, and then Liu Feng Feng said again: "Of course, it's hard to chase after a man's words. What's more, Gu is the heir of a big man, the king's great general, and he keeps his promises. How can he change his orders from day to day? How can he make the little Qiang people humiliate Gu?"

In the end, Liu Feng's words of encouragement were like a sharp sword coming out of his body, as if he would not give up unless he beheaded the Qiang dog's head.

"But the great general, Luoyang." Wei Yan's heart was boiling with enthusiasm when he heard the words, for generals such as Huo Qubing, Wei Qing, exterminating the foreigners, and revitalizing the prestige of the Han Dynasty.But rationality told Wei Yan that if Hulaoguan was lost.Therefore, Wei Yan had no choice but to say sadly.

"What do you think Qing is capable of?" Liu Feng asked without retorting immediately after hearing the words.

"Charge into the battle, he is considered a good general." Wei Yan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then evaluated himself.

"That's right, they are good generals who charge into battle. And Qing, Ma Qing, Wang Qing, Huo Qing, Wu Xiaolian who was promoted at the same time as Gu Tong. Do you know Gu's evaluation of you?" Liu Feng nodded, and then looked around. Wang Ping and Ma Zhong asked.

This is the general's evaluation.Wei Yan, Ma Zhong, and Wang Ping lifted their spirits when they heard the words, and looked up at Liu Feng.The rest of the generals and civil servants were also curious, and they all looked up at Liu Feng and listened quietly. [

"Qing and Wang Qing are both good generals. It is not a problem to charge into battle. They are indispensable generals in the army. Ma Qing is resourceful and can be a good commander. As for Huo Qing, I think he is good at defense. If you give him six thousand elite soldiers , fighting Cao Cao's [-] men in the wilderness, he is naturally outnumbered and dead. But Hulao Xiongguan, his skills can be fully displayed, and Luoyang is surrounded by strong men, Xun Yu, Jiang Wan He is a wise man. Even if Cao Cao's [-] soldiers want to gnaw out of the tiger prison, it will be extremely difficult. Trust him alone, just like trusting Qing and others. Entrust Huo Qing with the affairs of the East, don't worry." Facing the eyes of everyone, Liu Feng said without hesitation.

Wei Yan, Ma Zhong, and Wang Ping who got the appraisal were of course delighted, but the rest of them were also thoughtful, to the point where they felt like they would die for their confidants.

Entrust Huo Qing with a sentence about the east, so I can rest assured.

This is entrusted by Jiangshan Sheji, and I can rest assured that the general will die.Those present, who doesn't want to be the general after the end.

"Don't worry about Cao Cao, Yuan Shao. I just want to kill Ma Teng and Han Sui, just cut off the heads of those two weak Qiang talents. Set off in ten days and enter Liangzhou. If you don't achieve your goal, you will never stop."

Liu Feng's words aroused the enthusiasm of the generals and changed the atmosphere. Seeing this, Liu Feng also took the opportunity to give an order.


Including Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi and other pure civil servants, the thirteen civil servants and military generals all agreed with a bang, their morale was indescribably high.

When the soldiers entered Liangzhou, they vowed not to give up if they failed to achieve their goals.

Regardless of the flood behind him, I have my own generals to guard it, that's enough.

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