I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2179 : Chapter 1105 The disdain of the Qiang people

Chapter [-] Disdain of the Qiang People

After leaving Qinchuan, although Liu Feng ordered the distribution of his own soldiers to the Nine Route Army to guard against Ma Teng, Han Sui and other cavalry's surprise attack, his morale was high, but he was more cautious in his actions.

Walking, more and more slowly.The main purpose is for the soldiers to maintain their physical strength. Once encountering a fight, they can quickly jump into it, so that their physical strength will not be exhausted, and even holding a weapon like a crossbow in their hands is useless.

Another day, Liu Feng traveled another hundred miles and arrived at a place called Junqiu.Still, slowly heading northwest.

This day was another sunny day, but like the previous day, it was also bitingly cold, making people shiver. [

Junqiu is a place two or three hundred miles northwest of Liu Feng's army.The place is empty and desolate.There are low bushes everywhere, and open loess.

There are only a few hares and wild mice looking for food, but no one is seen.

"Da da da."

At this moment, a sound of horseshoes sounded.Immediately afterwards, the ground shook.The shaking was not violent at first, but as time passed, it finally became as violent as an earthquake.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The wild rabbits and other small animals all around ran back to their nests with a whoosh.

And not long after, a large army appeared in the northwest direction. At first, it was just a small black spot, but then it formed a dense mass of darkness.

There are cavalry everywhere, all cavalry, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, it makes people feel a tremor from the bottom of their hearts.

What's more, these cavalrymen's skills are vigorous, as if they were born cavalrymen, they walk on the ground as if on horseback, and their superb equestrian skills make friendly troops happy and enemy troops frightened.

This large army covered the sky and the sun, but the flags were only on four sides.They are painted with swans, wolves, and general flags with the characters "Yan" and "horse".

Under the banner, four powerful generals galloped on horseback.It was Feilang, Mu Ya'er, Ma Chao, and Yan Xing.

"Woo." Suddenly, Ma Chao yelled, and then tightened the reins. Not only did the horse under Ma Chao's crotch stop, but the army running behind him also stopped.

Forbidden?this is not.This is because of the superb horsemanship of the Qiang cavalry, allowing them to react quickly and stop them.

"It's really strong."

Feeling that the army stopped peacefully without any restlessness, Ma Chao couldn't help but let out an admiration in his heart.

Such a large army is probably only one line away from the tiger and leopard cavalry, and it is even better than their Xiliang iron cavalry, a nation on horseback.

After Ma Chao stopped, Yan Xing, Fei Lang, and Mu Ya'er also tightened the reins and stopped.Feilang and Mu Ya'er turned their eyes to Ma Chao, not knowing Ma Chao's intentions.

"According to the information, Liu Feng's army is only two hundred miles away from here, or even closer. I have something to share with the two patriarchs."

Facing Flying Wolf's and Mu Ya'er's eyes, Ma Chao took a deep breath and said solemnly. [

Yan Xing's expression changed, and he knew that Ma Chao wanted to point out.To be honest, not only Ma Chao, but also Yan Xing was shocked by Mu Ya'er and the Qiang cavalry under Feilang's command, and so was Yan Xing.

Therefore, both Ma Chao and Yan Xing believed that Feilang and Mu Ya'er wanted to take Liu Feng's head. Although they were arrogant, they also had the capital of arrogance.

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