I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2193 : Chapter 1112 The First Warrior

And they were counter-killed by the Han army, what did they see?They saw one by one of their own warriors, who shed blood among the Wanjun, and became the battle exploits in the hands of the Han army.

Warrior, warrior.These are the warriors of the Qiang people, they were cut off like weeds today.

This, this, this.

This kind of situation made Mu Ya'er and Flying Wolf feel pain and hate when they saw it.

"Kill, kill will pass. Even if the cavalry can't charge, we are still warriors, and we are truly invincible." Flying wolf yelled, waving a mace, driving a healthy horse under his crotch, and charged himself go out. [


Mu Ya'er also roared angrily, motivating the soldiers to charge forward.


The flying wolf's charge and the encouragement of Mu Ya'er also inspired the Qiang people a little. They roared with all their strength and brazenly urged their horses, trying to stop the Han army led by the king's general's personal soldiers offensive.

If the 12 army is reinvigorated, even if the Han army wins, it may suffer heavy losses.However, there is a saying that is good, if the sky does evil, you can still live, but if you do evil yourself, you can't live.

Flying Wolf charged out with a mace himself, in order to boost the morale of his own warriors, but what is the best way to motivate them?

The same as the rules of the Han people, kill the general and capture the flag.

Feilang was relatively close to Zhao Yun, and as soon as he rushed out, he rushed towards Zhao Yun.The Zhangba mace in his hand seemed to be a huge hammer, and the Han soldier who was hit by the mace.

Either the brains were split to death, or the bones were shattered to death, without exception, they died on the spot.

The flying wolf wielding a mace is like a small chariot, crushing the Han soldiers one after another in the midst of the Wanjun.

He led a small area of ​​the battlefield, brought a gust of wind, and attracted the attention of countless Qiang cavalrymen.

The Qiang people are divided into two groups, Feilang and Mu Ya'er each lead one step. Not only are they not friendly to each other, but they attack each other, which is equivalent to enemies.

But there is no doubt that Feilang is the number one warrior among the Qiang people. Killed his father at the age of 13, ascended to the position of patriarch, led the small Canglang tribe, and became one of the two strongest tribes among the Qiang tribe.

Flying wolf, among the entire Qiang people, is equivalent to a legend, he has an unparalleled personality charm.A warrior, a real warrior.

Therefore, Flying Wolf brandished a mace, majestic like a general in the sky, rampaging, and the blood of the Qiang cavalry was surging, and they wanted to rush up immediately, following the number one warrior of the Qiang tribe to fight.

"Kill, kill, kill that Han general."

"The number one warrior of the Qiang tribe got angry, kill, kill, kill, kill that Han general."

"The patriarch is mighty, the patriarch is mighty."

And seeing Feilang rushing towards the Han general opposite, the Qiang cavalry also knew that Feilang was planning to kill the general and capture the flag to boost their morale. [

They all raised their arms and shouted, almost going crazy with excitement.They had already imagined the scene where the man on the opposite side was like a watermelon, smashed into powder by the mace in Flying Wolf's hand.

"Kill, kill, kill."

He raised his arms and yelled loudly, and in the end, it formed a word of killing, and the sound was like a sea.

"Kill the past, behead the general and capture the flag."

Mu Ya'er raised his arms and shouted loudly.

"Huh?" At this moment, Zhao Yun was charging forward among the thousands of troops, leading his own soldiers to tear open holes on the Qiang cavalry, when he suddenly heard this inexplicable sound.

He couldn't help but looked up, and immediately saw the flying wolf coming towards him.

Zhao Yun showed a smile.

I'm sad that I can't find you

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