I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2207 : Chapter 1121 Please enter the urn

The first thousand and 120 chapters, please enter the urn

Under the eyes of everyone, Liu Feng did not deliberately show off.First he smiled slightly, and then said: "Ma Chao, Yan Xing is an enemy of ten thousand people, but strategy is not their specialty. Therefore, it is not the two people's idea to decide this plan, let alone the Qiang people. It must be Sima Yi also taught."


For Liu Feng's analysis, Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi and others all agreed, and they all nodded.

After that, Liu Feng said with a smile: "In the battle the day before yesterday, the Qiang people bullied Gu with an army of 12. They only knew how to fight hard, but had no plans at all. It can be seen that Sima Yi was not in the army that day. He was not there that day. I'm definitely not here today. This strategy must have been left by Ma Chao and Sima Yi before Yan Xing left the city."

"That's right." Listening to Liu Feng's analysis, Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi and others couldn't help but nodded again, agreeing.

After hearing Liu Feng's analysis, Jia Xu and Liu Ye, who had more experience and more sophisticated means, understood what Liu Feng's strategy was.

The two couldn't help but looked at each other, both feeling a little emotional.

They claim to be wise and planners, but sometimes they ignore small problems.

Jia Xu and Liu Ye understood after listening to Liu Feng's words, but Deng Zhi and Dong Gai still couldn't think of it. They continued to look at Liu Feng with anticipation in their eyes.

"If Sima Yi was here, Ma Chao, Yan Xing would definitely not make a mistake. But now Sima Yi is not here. They use the strategy of exhausting the enemy, so we will use general tactics and show them exhaustion. Finally, please enter the urn, attract Ma Chao, and Yan Xing will attack the camp, and then Ambush them."

Liu Feng finally revealed his plan.

Jia Xu, Liu Ye showed a look of deep approval when they heard the words. Deng Zhi was really young, he was a little hesitant and worried, and couldn't help saying: "General, this plan can indeed defeat the enemy. But the problem is, if you don't make ice The city cannot defeat this strategy of exhausting the enemy. If this strategy of exhausting the enemy is not defeated, the soldiers will not feel at ease. Even if the time comes to lead the army to ambush, the soldiers will be exhausted and have no strength to kill the enemy. Instead, they will be killed by Ma Chao and Yan. Take advantage of it and break through the camp."

"Bo Miao, don't worry. There is a way that all laws cannot be separated from the root. If you think all the way according to the strategy of the general, you can always find an opportunity."

Seeing this, Liu Ye smiled slightly, and smiled at Deng Zhi with the tone of supporting the younger generation, and said.

"Please ask the military advisor to clear up the confusion." Deng Zhi raised his fist and said in awe.

Liu Ye glanced at Liu Feng first, after all, Liu Feng came up with this plan.Now to teach the younger generation, Liu Feng's approval is always required, otherwise it is not easy to do it for him.

And Liu Feng also nodded with a smile.Seeing that Liu Feng agreed, Liu Ye smiled and said to Deng Zhi: "This time, Bo Miao went with the army and made sufficient preparations. Then I will ask Bo Miao. According to the current itinerary, if the army reaches Jincheng, How many days does it take?"

"Five or six days." As Liu Ye said, Deng Zhi had done a lot of work with the army and knew all about it, so she replied without thinking.

"Okay, five or six days." Liu Ye smiled and nodded when he heard the words.Then, he said: "As the general said, this strategy of exhausting the enemy must have been taught by Sima Yi. But Sima Yi is not here, this is a variable. And we are still five or six days away from Jincheng. In the first three days , Ma Chao, Yan Xing will act according to the plan and wear us down with exhaustion. But after all, they are military generals, fierce generals, and have the heart to defeat the enemy. The closer we are to Jincheng, the more tired they will be, and the more they will be ready to move. Therefore, we The more you should show exhaustion, lead Ma Chao and Yan Xing into the camp, and ambush them."

"Soldiers still won't be able to rest in that way." Deng Zhi was still puzzled when he heard the words, and asked.

"Since it is expected that they will not attack the camp within three days, then let the soldiers sleep soundly?" Liu Ye laughed loudly.


Deng Zhi was stunned when she heard the words, she was too confident, she really expected Ma Chao, Yan Xing would not be able to attack?But what if an accident happens? [

"Isn't this too risky?" Deng Zhi was stunned for a moment, and finally questioned Ai Ai.

"If there is an accident, it will be God's blessing." Liu Feng answered Deng Zhi's words instead of Liu Ye.

When speaking, Liu Feng's eyes sparkled and he was very confident.It is conceivable that Liu Feng would never pin his hopes on Tian, ​​he was based on his own judgment.

It is expected that within the first three days, Ma Chao and Yan Xing will follow the rules and act according to the plan, and will not invade the camp.He wants to let the army rest well, and in the next few days, they will defeat Ma Chao and Yan Xing.

Deng Zhi was immediately taken aback when he heard the words, he knew that Liu Feng had made a decision, determined not only to defeat Sima Yi's plan, but also to defeat Ma Chao and Yan Xing once again.

And if Ma Chao and Yan Xing could be defeated again, it would not only hurt the morale of the enemy army, but also further reduce the number of the enemy army.

The influence of the Qiang cavalry was tantamount to being wiped out by the Han army in this two fights.

As long as the Han army directly faced Jincheng and Ma Teng, Han Sui would be fine.The situation ahead is very good, Liangzhou is at your fingertips.

In such a situation, the general fought hard without looking forward and backward.To be honest, Deng Zhi admired him very much. The person in front of him was so young, but he had experienced various situations beyond his reach.

Formed a great courage.It can be used positively to oppress the enemy with majesty.You can also use strange, sword to go slanted, even if you put yourself on the edge of a cliff, you don't hesitate.

Admiration, Deng Zhi's incomparable admiration, but also a feeling of incomparable happiness.It is the blessing of the Han Dynasty and the world that the Han Dynasty has such a crown prince and such a great general.

The hero of life, this is the real hero of life.

Therefore, Deng Zhi took a deep breath, then saluted Liu Feng with his fists up, made a correct posture, stopped asking questions, and was overly worried about what would happen if this strategy failed.

Today, Deng Zhi not only comprehended this strategy, but also received an education, that is, when facing a major event, one must have great courage.

"Immediately send an order. If there is another enemy attack, most of the soldiers will fall asleep peacefully. It is only necessary for some soldiers to patrol, defend, and pretend to counterattack. Special emphasis, don't worry about falling asleep. Just say it's lonely." Yes." Seeing Deng Zhi's etiquette, Liu Feng smiled and nodded, then turned his head and shouted at Dong Gai.


Dong Gai also heard Liu Feng's overall plan. Unlike Deng Zhi, when he thought of asking the king to enter the urn and lay an ambush, he immediately became excited, and after a loud promise, he strode out of the central army tent.

"Let's see Ma Chao, how Yan Xing got into the urn." After Dong Gai left, Liu Feng laughed and said happily.


Everyone smiled happily and waited and watched.

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