I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2213 : Chapter 1124 Laughter

It can be said that Sima Yi's strategy was really in the wrong place. Liu Feng was bold and careful, and he was bold.In order to win, a bold assumption was made. Ma Chao and Yan Xing were just exhausted.

Not only did he ignore it, but instead made the soldiers recharge their energy and store up their energy, and then they made a plan and followed the plan.It can be said that in order to win, he is bold.

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er are also doomed to fail.

As Wei Yan said, it's nothing more than a dry bone in the grave.

Just when the whole army put down their guard, their morale was boosted, and they fell asleep peacefully.Inside the big tent of the Chinese army in the Han camp, it was also very hot. [


Not only was there a charcoal fire burning in the tent, but there was also a roast sheep being cooked, and the golden fat fell on the charcoal fire, making a sizzling sound.

At the same time, a strong fragrance radiated out, making people move their index fingers.

"How?" At this moment, Liu Feng was also hungry, smelling the scent, he couldn't help but whet his appetite, and couldn't help asking the soldier in charge of cooking.

"Report to the general, it's all over."

The soldier replied.

"Okay, first give Gu a leg of lamb. Then divide it into thirteen shares and share it with the generals." Liu Feng said after hearing the words lifted his spirits.


The soldier promised, and then called several soldiers to come in.Divided the mutton into fourteen parts with a knife, among which Liu Feng had a big leg of mutton.

After the leg of lamb came up, Liu Feng immediately chopped the meat into large pieces.

"Well, this lamb is well roasted, charred on the outside and tender on the inside." Liu Feng said after eating a few mouthfuls, immediately appreciating it.


Not only Liu Feng, but the rest of the people are also tender, except for a few literati, they all chop meat in large pieces and drink in large pieces, and they also find it delicious, so they couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

"Hahaha, we are sitting in the camp, and we still have roasted whole sheep to eat. I just don't know what Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others are eating to replenish their strength at the moment."

Suddenly, Wei Yan laughed out loud and said.


Everyone suddenly burst into laughter.Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others had to set a fixed time to sneak attack on the Han camp. It was conceivable that they would definitely not bring the flock of sheep over, and they didn't have time to cook, so they could think of what to eat with their toes.

"It's just dried meat, dry food, and warm with spirits." Liu Feng smiled and told everyone what he knew.

"Ha ha."[

Everyone laughed again.

Although tonight is not a victory, it is a foreshadowing of victory, which is equal to a big victory.Especially after seeing through Ma Chao and Yan Xing's strategies, although we frequently feigned attacks, we naturally stood still and were as stable as Mount Tai.

This feeling is really too happy.

In this laughing and cheerful atmosphere, everyone's appetites were greatly stimulated, they drank a lot and ate meat a lot.Soon, a roasted whole lamb was gone.

Also took a lot of drinks.

At night, don't eat too much.Liu Feng didn't order to continue cooking either, it was almost time to order.

"General, will you start to show weakness tomorrow?" After a while, Pang Tong opened his mouth and asked.

"Well, let's show weakness. Pretend to be tired, shorten the journey by [-]%, and then slowly descend, pretending to be exhausted. In this way, Ma Chao and Yan Xing will attack in three or four days."

Liu Feng nodded without hesitation when he heard the words, and said.


Pang Tong promised.

The two monarchs and ministers made a decision like this, and the rest did not object.

"By the way, Gu still thought of a good thing. Remember to give the order." Not long after, everyone was tired and it was time to rest, but Liu Feng suddenly said with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

When everyone heard something good, they were immediately refreshed, and Dong Gai couldn't wait to ask.

"I took the cotton and ordered the soldiers to stuff it. Only in this way can Ma Chao and Yan Xing strike thunder, but we are as stable as Mount Tai, sleeping soundly."

Liu Feng said with a smile.


Suddenly, loud laughter resounded in the big tent.

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