I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2222 : Chapter 1129 Fighting

The first thousand and 120 nine chapters fight


"Da da da."

The north wind howled, and the sound of horseshoes was frantic.

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Mu Ya'er and others led an army of [-] to [-] to the Han camp in the cold wind. [

The cold wind was biting, coupled with galloping horses.The oncoming cold wind is equivalent to a handle of a knife blade, cutting the skin of everyone, forming a series of tiny cracks, and the pain is unbearable.

But these bursts of pain inspired everyone even more.Everything is to defeat the Han army, and everything is to take Liu Feng's head.

Although it hurts at this moment, it can't replace the heat in their hearts.

"As a military strategist, it takes a few days to plan, and everything will be done today." Facing the cold wind, Ma Chao was full of spirits, raised his gun and roared, spreading the aura of a world-class hero, he is also a dragon among men.

"Break the Han army, break Liu Feng's reputation as invincible, and today we will shock the world." Yan Xing held his spear on his back, glared, and opened his mouth to shout.

The momentum is fierce, the enemy of ten thousand people, and the general's capital is fully displayed.

"For the survival of our Qiang people, kill the generals and defeat the Han army." Mu Ya'er also raised his spear, loudly encouraging morale.


After the three of them yelled, countless cavalrymen yelled up to the sky. They only had one word, kill, kill the Han army, and make a bright future.


The sound of roaring and killing soared into the sky, and the sound of horseshoes danced wildly. Under the leadership of Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er, the [-]-[-] army turned into a torrent and rushed towards the Han army camp.

Like thunder and lightning, like a dragon, with unparalleled momentum.

The earth was shaking, as if trembling for the majesty of this army.

This cavalry army is full of momentum.

In front of a cavalry sprinting at full speed, what is the road of sixty or seventy miles?But it's just a moment away.Not long after, this cavalry army of 9 to [-] soldiers reached a place only a few miles away from the Han camp.

The northwest land is extremely barren.It's all plains, just wind and sand.From a distance of several miles, the camp of the Han army could already be vaguely seen.

In the dark night, the camp of the Han army is like a beauty wearing tulle, with a soft and delicate body looming, and the exciting Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er are full of enthusiasm.

"That's it, break through this battalion, and I'll shake the world."

"Killing Liu Feng will break Liu Feng's reputation of invincibility." [

"Recover the humiliation, and revive the glory."

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er all yelled loudly, leading the army to continue to vent their momentum and exude murderous aura.


The cavalrymen also had their blood surging one by one. Following Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er's roar, they yelled without thinking, and their momentum became stronger.

Shocking roars, violent hooves, and shaking of the ground.All of them showed that Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er led their troops to kill them, and they still rushed out to wipe out the Han army in one fell swoop.

How could the Han army fail to notice such noises and situations?

"Ma Chao, Yan Xing is here."

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

"Go and invite the generals."

In the Han camp, there was a shrill cry, full of panic and fear.

In the eyes of Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er, the Han army is always majestic. Facing 12 cavalry that day, the Han army also collapsed in front of Mount Tai without changing expression.

But now, it is panic and fear.Thinking about it, I was really scared in my heart, really scared, otherwise I wouldn't behave so unbearably.

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