I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2234 : Chapter 1135 Laugh out loud

The first thousand and 130 five chapters laugh out loud


Yan Xing, Ma Chao, Zhang Liao, and Zhao Yun started fighting respectively. Yan Xing and Ma Chao were eager to escape, so they wanted to kill Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun first, and then led their troops to break out of the encirclement.

But Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun are also experienced, knowing the current situation is very beneficial to them, as long as the soldiers kill the Qiang cavalry, they can come to support them.

Capture Ma Chao alive, Yan Xing is today.Therefore, both of them tried their best to fight with Ma Chao and Yan Xingyou, but they didn't compete with each other. [

In such a situation, Ma Chao and Yan Xing, who were attacking with all their strength, seemed to hit the cotton with all their strength, which made them feel depressed and wanted to vomit blood.


Ma Chao and Yan Xing fought hard, but they couldn't get rid of Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao quickly, while the surrounding Han soldiers were frantically killing Qiang cavalry one after another.

The collapsed Qiang cavalry, at this moment, are really sheep among sheep.

With a roar of killing, the Qiang cavalry fell down one by one. Not long after, Ma Chao and Yan Xing were surrounded by only a hundred or so people left.

But in front, that is, on the way to retreat, there are countless soldiers of the Han army, plus Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other powerful soldiers.

In the rear, there are countless Qiang cavalry who have been massacred by the Han army.

It can be said that the front road is broken and the back road is cut off. □□? □□?

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, the heroes of the Northwest, the enemy of ten thousand people.They took the head of a general among millions of troops, just like picking something out of a bag.Excellent body, excellent ability, resulting in their bravery.

Even before, the Han army encircled and the Qiang people collapsed.They are also determined, and they want to lead thousands of cavalry to fight a bloody road and make a bright future to return to Jincheng in the north.

The willpower is so firm.However, they are human beings after all.In the face of such a desperate situation, it is inevitable to despair.

A sense of regret surged up in their chests.They underestimated Liu Feng too much, underestimated Liu Feng too much.The military division repeatedly told them to only harass, not attack.

They were greedy for merit and rushed into the army rashly, which led to such an ending.

If they don't rush into the army, if they can wait until Liu Feng kills Jincheng, and then join forces with 16 infantry in the city, the [-] horse infantry will fight Liu Feng together.

Even if you lose, it's not like this, and it's not like this.

Regret, huge regret gnawed at the hearts of Ma Chao and Yan Xing.In fact, it wasn't Ma Chao and Yan Xing's fault, but Liu Feng's strategy was too targeted.

Ma Chao, although Yan Xing has great strategy, he is still young and full of vigor.Coupled with being brave and invincible, it is inevitable that he will be a little arrogant.

Liu Feng designed it, and they fell for it immediately.

It's not that their abilities are not good, but that their vision and experience are too low.You can meet, experience this time of fighting, this time of fiasco. [

The two will definitely be reborn and become a real general who can advance and retreat with restraint.

However, this also requires them to be able to escape.


When Ma Chao and Yan Xing repented, they inevitably showed a flaw, and when a fierce general fights, this flaw is enough to be fatal.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao roared and killed each other, changed their slowness just now, and attacked their respective opponents fiercely with a domineering momentum.

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