I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2252 : Chapter 1144 Ma Teng's mocking

The first thousand and 140 chapters of Ma Teng's ridicule

"Order, order Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi, Yang Fu, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Pang Tong and others to come and see Gu." After a big laugh, Liu Feng ordered.


A soldier outside the tent made a promise, and immediately sent an order to go.

Then, Liu Feng went back to the back tent, put on a suit of casual clothes, and walked out again.After Liu Feng tidied things up, the Chinese army tent was also full of people. [

Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi, Yang Fu, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Pang Tong and others are all listed.

"Meet the General."

When Liu Feng walked out of the back tent and came to the front tent, everyone bowed down in unison.

"Excuse me." Liu Feng said excuse me, then knelt down on the handsome seat.After sitting down, Liu Feng showed a smile, and slowly glanced at the crowd, and found that except for Yang Fu, the rest of the people had the same relaxed expressions as him.

"Sima Yi draws a tiger like a cat, and then uses the strategy of exhausting the enemy. This strategy is useless." Soon, Liu Feng looked away and said.

"General, although this strategy is not new. But if Sima Yi pretends to be false, or makes a false attack, or makes a fierce attack, it will drag down the army sooner or later, so we have to guard against it." The reason why Yang Fu is different is because he was late. Come on, I missed another strategy that Liu Feng prepared when he faced Ma Chao and Yan Xing.Moreover, Yang Fu's personality is upright, he can say what he has, seeing Liu Feng smiling easily, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he advised him.


Liu Feng didn't laugh, but the people in the tent let out a burst of laughter, full of hearty breath.

"Although I'm stupid, I'm sincere, why are you laughing?" Yang Fu didn't understand what he heard, and then thought that everyone was making fun of him, so he looked around and said angrily.

"Qing Mo Nu, listen to Gu Dao." Seeing that Yang Fu was really angry instead of fake, Liu Feng hurriedly said.

"Please ask the general to clarify the confusion." Yang Fu's complexion was still not good-looking, but Liu Feng couldn't help but give him face, so he said.

"Sima Yi's strategy of exhausting the enemy has long been defeated." Liu Feng smiled and told Yang Fu about his strategy.

"So that's how it is." Yang Fu turned his anger into joy when he heard the words, and laughed.

"The great generals of the Ming Dynasty have tricks and made me look ugly. It's really hateful." Immediately afterwards, Yang Fu looked around and pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Hahaha, I'll wait for my fault, don't worry about Yishan." Pang Tong laughed loudly and smoothed things over.Immediately, Zhao Yun, Liu Ye and others stepped forward to apologize.

Finally, the Chinese army's big tent returned to a peaceful state.

"Okay, okay. Sima Yi's strategy of exhausting the enemy must be more than one wave. Before Sima Yi's next wave arrives, we will forge three big cities and completely block the Jincheng."

In the end, Liu Feng gave an order to stop the peaceful state.


All the civil servants and generals put away their smiles and agreed.

Then, they left again.The next step is to do a big job.

"I don't know. When Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi, and even the guards in the city see the three big cities standing proudly outside the Golden City tomorrow, I don't know what kind of expression they will have." After everyone left, Liu Feng's mood remained the same. Very good, he laughed and said.

Liu Feng couldn't guess what kind of expression it was.But there is one thing that Liu Feng can guess.

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