I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2254 : Chapter 1144 Ma Teng's mocking

After improving morale, feinting and attacking again, the chances of defeating Liu Feng must be greatly improved.


"Let's go back to the army."

After laughing for a while, Ma Teng reluctantly stopped laughing, then waved his hand, and said carefreely.


The soldiers promised loudly, and then went back to the army city.

"Mud walls, I've only heard of rammed earth walls, but I haven't heard of mud walls, hahaha."

"Mud, dirt hahaha."

Amidst the loud laughter, the soldiers drifted away and returned to Jincheng.

"Mud wall? You can see the result tomorrow." Ma Teng, who was feinting the attack, and Han Sui's army laughed so freely, how could the Han army not hear it?

On the city, Zhao Yun stood against the wind, watched the army leave, and let out a sneer.

It is indeed mud, but under the ingenuity, it is better than ordinary city walls.This city is indestructible.

On the one hand, it was Zhao Yun's disdain and sneer.On the other hand, after Ma Teng returned to Jincheng, he joined Sima Yi and Han Sui immediately.

General Han Sui's mansion, in the hall.

The charcoal fire was burning vigorously, making the temperature inside the hall much higher than outside.As for Sima Yi and Han Sui, they were sitting on their knees. There was no joy or anger on their faces, but there was some anxiety.

They were all waiting for Ma Teng's return, and this time the strategy was really, really important.There is no room for half-hearted mistakes.Even if Ma Teng went there in person, the two of them could not really feel at ease.

Liu Feng is too cunning, he really can't relax.Otherwise, Ma Chao and Yan Xing will end up in the end.

"Da da da."

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, the sound of footsteps was full of lightness, it seemed that the visitor was very happy.The two were refreshed first, knowing that Ma Teng had returned.But then he was very puzzled, why he was so happy, did he encounter some happy event.

But it's only been there for a while, so what happy event can happen?

Just when the two were guessing, Ma Teng appeared in front of them soon, and as expected, Ma Teng was full of joy and joy.

"What happened?" Han Sui felt even more weird and asked immediately.

"An interesting thing." Ma Teng laughed, and then told what he saw.The Han army is building a wall of mud.

It was an oolong, which really made people laugh. [

"How is this possible? How could Liu Feng make such a mistake. Brother, don't lie to me as a brother." Han Sui said doubtfully, not believing it.

Sima Yi didn't speak, but he still had the same expression.

"Now that the situation is dangerous, how can I deceive the two of you? It's true." Ma Teng put away his smile when he heard this, and said solemnly.That appearance is definitely not fake, and what Ma Teng said is right, under such circumstances, Ma Teng has no need to lie to Han Sui and Sima Yi.

"The joke of the Han army is a bit big. It's a gift for us to boost our morale." Han Sui believed it when he heard the words, and then he laughed loudly and said.


Matt laughed out loud.

Only Sima Yi was a little puzzled, would Liu Feng make such a mistake?However, Han Sui and Ma Teng were enjoying themselves, and Sima Yi didn't want to interrupt them, so as not to feel unhappy.

So I could only endure it, but there was a wave of uneasiness, but it couldn't go away.It made Sima Yi feel bad.

What the hell is going on, earth wall?

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