I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2361 : Chapter 1198 Victory over Wanxiong Bing

The first thousand 190 eight chapters win a million soldiers

"Qing has read a lot of books, and this time he is going to Yizhou as an envoy again. He feels that he is sitting alone in Hanzhong, but he has a strong army and wants to invade Yizhou. How about it?" Liu Feng didn't answer directly directly, but asked Liu Feng instead. Badao.

This is not a joke, but a Huatou.

"Thousands of difficulties." Regarding Liu Feng's question, Liu Ba had a lot to say, such as the dangers of mountains and rivers, and various difficulties, but in the end, there were only four words left.

As Liu Feng said just now, even with an army of more than [-], it may be difficult to conquer Yizhou. [

"Yes, it is extremely difficult." Liu Feng said, and then Liu Feng said: "Although Hanzhong is said to be the barrier of Yizhou, the extent to which Hanzhong can be used is limited. It can go south to attack Sanba, but if only Attacking Sanba is not a big threat to Chengdu, and Liu Zhang cannot be wiped out with one force."

The so-called Sanba refers to the three counties of Ba, Badong, and Brazil. These three counties are completely separated from Hanzhong, and there is no danger to defend. They can be directly attacked and reach Dianjiang.This is what Fazheng persuaded Liu Bei. If Hanzhong is not solid, Sanba will not be strong.That is why Hanzhong is the barrier of Bashu.

But the army can attack Sanba, but when it reaches Dianjiang, it will be blocked again, and even if it is blocked, it will definitely take a long time.This is what Liu Feng said, Liu Zhang cannot be wiped out with one force.

At this point, Liu Feng paused, giving Liu Xie and Liu Ba time to digest, and then said again: "Even if Liu Zhang cannot be wiped out, there will be a tug-of-war, which will last for a long time. Maybe Sun Ce's soldiers will Into Yizhou continuously, in this way, we will compete with Liu Zhang, and Sun Ce will benefit, this is a more sinister problem."

That's right, although Sun Ce and Liu Zhang are now in an alliance, the situation is dangerous.But it is better than Yizhou falling into the hands of Sun Ce.

Liu Xie and Liu Ba knew all of these things, but now that they heard Liu Feng's opinion, they suddenly felt that the situation was even more dangerous.Just as Liu Feng said just now, if there is really no other way, if more than [-] troops are all filled in, it may be difficult to capture Yizhou.

And how many tens of thousands of troops did the Han Dynasty have?That's right, the Han Dynasty could resort to militarism and conscript 50 troops, but what to do after conscripting.

Sacrifice them all, which is a bit inhumane.It is not good for the country.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Xie and Liu Ba couldn't help but nodded their heads in agreement.

"Since we all think this way, then Sun Ce and Liu Zhang will also think the same way. They must have abandoned the three buses and turned to defend the Dianjiang River, as well as the Baishui Pass, Jiange and other important passes on the other side, which are dangerous. And raise the pass , or even set up more passes, and at the same time train elite soldiers for defense. At that time, one mighty pass will be laid down, and another mighty pass. It will be even darker.” Liu Feng took a deep breath, once again how difficult Yizhou was, and said out.

Regarding this point, Liu Xie and Liu Ba nodded involuntarily.It is difficult in Sichuan, but it is difficult to go to the blue sky.

"However, this can also be our advantage." But after saying this, Liu Feng changed the subject, but began to show his fangs, with a sneer on his face.

"Emperor, let's talk."

Liu Xie, Liu Ba couldn't help but cheer up, and Liu Xie urged them even more.

"Father, do you know that there is a road that can bypass these dangerous mountains and rivers and go directly to Fucheng." Liu Feng took a deep breath and told the truth.

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