I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2365 : Chapter 1200 Sending troops

Chapter [-] Sending out troops

ZTE was four years old, and Liu Feng was 19 years old. It has been 19 years since he came to this world.At the age of eight, he went out of the city and fought against the heroes in the army. It has been eleven years since he went through wars.

Of course, now Liu Feng has gotten used to his identity, and even the memory and identity of the past has gradually faded away.

Because here are his parents, wife, and loyal subjects, as well as the Jingxiu Jiangshan waiting for him to conquer, and the princes waiting for him to kill.

On the first day of ZTE's four years, it was a beautiful day and it snowed heavily.The so-called auspicious snow heralds a good year is not a superstition, it is a prediction that there will be plenty of rain in the coming year, so it is a good phenomenon. [

On this day, Liu Feng led two women from the East Palace, Shi Zhen and Shi Mi, to Weiyang Palace to pay respects to Emperor Liu Xie and Empress Fu.

Liu Feng fought abroad for 11 years, and it was really rare when he was at the knees of his parents.This moment also seemed very precious, therefore, the Empress Fu that Liu Feng saw was smiling, and that kind of pampering could melt Liu Feng.

However, on the way, Liu Xie seemed to have something to say to Liu Feng alone, so he opened his mouth to dismiss Empress Fu, Zhen Shi, and Mi Shi.And Liu Feng is also clear in his heart, knowing that the fourth year of ZTE is here, and this father and emperor may not be able to wait to clean up Sun Ce and Liu Zhang.

Sure enough, when Empress Fu left with Zhen Shi and Mi Shi, Liu Xie dismissed all the servants and maids, and sent people to guard outside the palace, not allowing anyone to step in.

After that, Liu Xie raised his head and asked Liu Feng, "It's been four years since Zhongxing. In the past few months, Sun Ce and Liu Zhang have trained elite troops and strengthened the pass. The momentum is very strong. It is disgusting, the emperor can imagine When will the troops be dispatched to deal with these two rebels?"

That's right, in the past few months, Sun Ce helped Liu Zhang train his troops and strengthen the pass.This made the momentum in Shuzhong suddenly strong.

There was a faint tendency to not take the Han Dynasty seriously, which made Liu Xie completely disgusted Liu Zhang in his heart, and he didn't even mention Liu Jiyu, but called him by his name directly.

"Even if the father is impatient, then within three days, we can send troops." Liu Feng had already guessed what Liu Xie was thinking, so he said without thinking.

"Isn't it too hasty to celebrate the new year in three days? The emperor is not afraid of complaints from the soldiers?" Liu Xie was right to be urgent, but he was not so urgent. Hearing this, he was a little surprised.

Last year, Liu Xie told Liu Feng to send troops quickly, but Liu Feng shirked it because after the Western Expedition, the soldiers might be tired of fighting and tired.Moreover, he broke through millions of Qiang people and obtained countless Qiang women.It is the time when the soldiers are happy, and they send troops too early, fearing that the soldiers will complain.

But at this moment, aren't you afraid that the soldiers will complain?

"Hehe." Liu Feng first chuckled, and then said: "That's right, last year my ministers said they would send troops later because they were afraid that the soldiers would complain. Because there are countless Qiang women, each soldier can be assigned several. But it has been several months, and I am afraid that under the reclamation of the soldiers, no matter how many Qiang women have already completed the reclamation, I am afraid that they are all pregnant. In this way, what fun is there? I am afraid that the soldiers I have already restrained my mind, looking forward to the conquest again."

"So that's the case." Liu Xie suddenly realized when he heard the words.

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